Transfer Station Info (Tip Fee $115.00/ton)
- Mt. Olive Mon-Fri 7:30am-3pm; Sat 7:30am-11am
- Parsippany Mon-Fri 7am-3pm; Sat 7:30am-11am
- Closed Sundays and Major Holidays
- No Rental Trucks
- Payment by Account, Check, Credit Card. No Cash

Morris County
Municipal Utilties Authority
Transfer Station Info (Tip Fee $115.00/ton)
- Mt. Olive Mon-Fri 7:30am-3pm; Sat 7:30am-11am
- Parsippany Mon-Fri 7am-3pm; Sat 7:30am-11am
- Closed Sundays and Major Holidays
- No Rental Trucks
- Payment by Account, Check, Credit Card. No Cash
Mendham Township Solid Waste Information
P.O. Box 520
Brookside, NJ 07926
Tel: (973) 543-4555 Fax: (973) 543-6630
Contacts From Mendham Township
- Jayson Gabloff, Clean Communities Coordinator and Chief Financial Officer
Mendham Township
P.O. Box 520
Brookside, NJ 07926
Tel: (973) 543-4555 x215 Fax: (973) 543-6630
- To Be Announced, Recycling Coordinator
Mendham Township
PO Box 520
Brookside, NJ 07926
Tel: 973-543-4555 Fax: 973-543-6630
Solid Waste Services In Mendham Township
Curbside Garbage Collection
- Program Description: The town provides for residential garbage collection. The municipality does not pay for the tipping fees. It is a per container by weight system. Contact the Town for additional details.
- Schedule: Garbage collection is once per week. Contact the town for more information.
Service Provider: RTS (Recycling Track Systems for Mendham Twp), ,
Tel: 1-833-663-6787 or 973-543-4555 x 213 Email:
Material Accepted

Type 10 Municipal Solid Waste
Curbside Recycling Collection
- Program Description: Starting September 18, 2023, Mendham Township contracts for single-stream, all-in-one residential curbside recycling. Maximum weight of curbside recycling container is 50 pounds; use multiple containers if needed. None of the newspaper or cardboard may be bundled or tied. Note prior to Sept 18, 2023, the MCMUA collected dual-stream recyclables.
- Schedule: Starting in 2021 the MCMUA began collecting recycling from the Township of Mendham. Starting September 18, 2023, all collection on Mondays will be for single-stream recycling.
Service Provider: Morris County Municipal Utilities Authority, 214A Center Grove Road,
Randolph, NJ 07869
Tel: 973-659-3490 Fax: 973-537-6495
Material Accepted

Aluminum Containers
(Recycling - Single-Stream - All-In-One) Rinse thoroughly (no residue allowed) and commingle with recyclables.
Aluminum Pie Plates, Trays and Foil
(Recycling - Single-Stream - All-In-One) Rinse thoroughly (no residue allowed) and commingle with recyclables.
Brown Paper Bags
(Recycling - Single-Stream - All-In-One) Recycle and commingle with recyclables.
(Recycling - Single-Stream - All-In-One) Recycle and commingle with recyclables. Flatten all boxes. Include beverage carriers, cereal, pasta and facial tissue boxes, paper towel rolls. Do not recycle plastic coated cardboard. If it is really tough to tear the cardboard, it is not recyclable.
Corrugated Cardboard
(Recycling - Single-Stream - All-In-One) Flatten and commingle with recyclables and do not bundle or tie. You can flatten and place many boxes in one corrugated box and set it out for collection next to your container. Do no place loose boxes at the curb..
Glass Containers
(Recycling - Single-Stream - All-In-One) Remove lids, rinse the glass and commingle with recyclables. Put metal lids into container; do not put metal lids back onto glass bottles and jars.
Mixed Office Paper
(Recycling - Single-Stream - All-In-One) Mix with other recyclables.
(Recycling - Single-Stream - All-In-One) Recycle and commingle with recyclables and do not tie or bundle.
Other Paper/Mag./JunkMail
(Recycling - Single-Stream - All-In-One) Recycleand commingle with recyclables.
Plastic #1 (PETE) Bottles
(Recycling - Single-Stream - All-In-One) Empty, rinse and commingle with recyclable materials. Do not put caps/lids back onto bottles. Put caps/lids into the garbage.
Plastic #1 (PETE) Food/Bev. Containers
(Recycling - Single-Stream - All-In-One) Empty, rinse and commingle with other recyclable materials. Do not put caps/lids back onto bottles. Put caps/lids into the garbage.
Plastic #2 (HDPE) Bottles
(Recycling - Single-Stream - All-In-One) Empty, rinse and commingle with other recyclable materials. Do not put caps/lids back onto bottles. Put caps/lids into the garbage.
Plastic #2 (HDPE) Food/Bev. Containers
(Recycling - Single-Stream - All-In-One) Empty, rinse and commingle with other recyclable materials. Do not put caps/lids back onto bottles. Put caps/lids into the garbage.
Plastic #5 (PP) Food/Bev. Containers
(Recycling - Single-Stream - All-In-One) Empty, rinse and commingle with other recyclable materials. Do not put caps/lids back onto bottles. Put caps/lids into the garbage.
Steel (Tin) Containers
(Recycling - Single-Stream - All-In-One) Empty, rinse and commingle with other recyclable materials. Aerosol cans must be empty. Remove plastic cap/lids, and put them into the garbage.
Telephone Books
(Recycling - Single-Stream - All-In-One) Also include paperback or softcover books. Do not include hardcover books..Commingle with recyclables.
Polyboard/Drink Boxes
(Recycling - Commingled Bottles and Cans) Empty, rinse and commingle with other recyclable materials.
Curbside Yard Waste Collection
- Program Description: Curbside collection of vegetative waste.
- Schedule: This collection is only available seasonally. Brush collection once each Spring and Fall.
Service Provider: Mendham Township, P.O. Box 520,
Brookside, NJ 07926
Tel: 973-543-4555 Fax: 973-543-6630
Material Accepted

Brush/Tree Parts
(Recycling) Brush collection once each Spring and Fall.
Christmas Trees
(Recycling) Early January only. For 2012 tree must be at the curb by1/9/2012. Remove all decorations and no tree bags or stands.
Curbside Bulky Waste Collection
- Program Description: Curbside bulky waste collection.
- Schedule: Collected weekly. Check with the town for more information.
Service Provider: RTS (Recycling Track Systems for Mendham Twp), ,
Tel: 1-833-663-6787 or 973-543-4555 x 213 Email:
Material Accepted

Metal Appliances
Type 13 Bulky Solid Waste
Click below to view documents regarding Mendham Township.
Please contact Mendham Township to verify any issues for which you are
- Municipal Recycling Ordinance (URL Internnet Link) - Online source of document