Transfer Station Info (Tip Fee $115.00/ton)
- Mt. Olive Mon-Fri 7:30am-3pm; Sat 7:30am-11am
- Parsippany Mon-Fri 7am-3pm; Sat 7:30am-11am
- Closed Sundays and Major Holidays
- No Rental Trucks
- Payment by Account, Check, Credit Card. No Cash

Florham Park recycling pickup is moved back one day to Fri., 2/7/2025 due to anticipated icy conditions on the regularly scheduled Thurs., 2/6/2025 pickup

Morris County
Municipal Utilties Authority
Florham Park recycling pickup is moved back one day to Fri., 2/7/2025 due to anticipated icy conditions on the regularly scheduled Thurs., 2/6/2025 pickup
Transfer Station Info (Tip Fee $115.00/ton)
- Mt. Olive Mon-Fri 7:30am-3pm; Sat 7:30am-11am
- Parsippany Mon-Fri 7am-3pm; Sat 7:30am-11am
- Closed Sundays and Major Holidays
- No Rental Trucks
- Payment by Account, Check, Credit Card. No Cash
Awards and Recognition
October 25, 2023
NEW JERSEY HONORS RECYCLING AND SUSTAINABILITY LEADERS DURING ANNUAL AWARDS PROGRAMThe MCMUA's District Recycling Coordinator, Anthony Marrone was presented a Leadership Award when The NJDEP honored businesses, organizations and individual recycling leaders at its October 25, 2023 annual symposium hosted by the Association of New Jersey Recyclers.
“My DEP colleagues and I congratulate this year’s award winners and applaud them for sharing their passion for recycling, waste reduction and conservation of resources with all of us,” Environmental Protection Commissioner Shawn M. LaTourette said. “These leaders are making a difference through the excitement and new ideas they bring to their communities, their businesses and their schools. In doing so, they continue to build upon New Jersey’s tradition of leading the way on recycling for the nation.”
Leadership Award – Anthony Marrone
Marrone, District Recycling Coordinator for Morris County, has implemented numerous successful recycling and waste reduction programs. He improved the operations of the county’s household hazardous waste program, obtained NJDEP grants for equipment modernization, and addressed a curbside collection crew employee shortage by making a county-run Commercial Driver’s License training program more accessible to staff. He also designed educational flyers, decals, and signs, instituted a boat shrink wrap recycling program, performed municipal curbside inspections, and assisted municipal recycling coordinators. In addition, Marrone established an intern program for students seeking experience in the field of recycling, developed an electronic waste drop-off program, attended various events where he educates the public about recycling, and established reusable bag drop-off stations.
October 11, 2019 - 30th Awards Program - Environmental Excellence Luncheon - Awards include:
- Ina Braun - Bagtivist Extraordinaire! Award!
- Doug Cabana, Morris County Freeholder - Recycling and Sustainability Award
- Eric Gabrielson, Republic Services - Man in the Trenches Award
- Steve Nebesni, County of Morris Employee - Above and Beyond M.O.R.E. Award
- Girl Scout Junior Troop 96407, based at the John Hill School in Boonton - Waste Reduction and Sustainability Award
- Lake Hopatcong Foundation - Clean Water Stewardship Award
- Nancy Lennon, Parsippany High School Science Teacher - Sustainability and Stewardship Award
- Alison Maxwell, Director of Kemmerer Library, Harding Township - Renew Overdue Bags Award
- Mendham Borough Schools Green Team - Dream Green Team Award
- Wegmans of Hanover - "Super" Market Recycling Award
- Wharton Borough Recycling Depot Attendants - Managing the Depot Award
- The Willows at Roxbury Complex - ReBag to Recycling Bin Award
May 12, 2017 - 29th Awards Program - Environmental Excellence Luncheon - Awards include:
- Nancy Meade received the "Recycling is Fundamental" award.
- Mary Ellen Potucek, on-site manager of the Robert Cole Senior Housing Complex of Chester Borough, was given the "Golden Age Recycler" award.
- Arthur J. Gallagher & Co., located in Whippany, received an award entitled "Insuring a Better Tomorrow by Caring about Today."
- Rob Grow, the owner of Potbelly's Riverside Café, located on Main St. in Rockaway Borough, received the "Rockaway River Clean Water Stewardship" Award.
- Rosemary Schmidt was presented her with the "Leading by Example" Award.
- Earth Friendly Products received the "Recycling Naturally" Award.
- The Woman's Club of Morristown was honored with the "Supporting Sustainability" Award for their fourth annual Bra Drive.
May 20, 2016 - 28th Awards Program - Environmental Excellence Luncheon - Awards include:
- The Power of Green Living, Leading,Teaching - Frank Cappuccio, Educator and Environmental Action Club, Morris Hills High School
- Turning Limitations into Success! - Green Vision, Inc.,Tim Butler, President
- Stellar Recycling Coordinator - Sarah Jane Noll, Chester Township Municipal Recycling Coordinator
- Clean Water Stewardship - Raritan Headwaters Association, Bedminster
- On Guard Against Litter! - Lt. Rob Scherr, Rockaway Township Police Department
- Rx Bottle Reuse for the Malawi Project - Molly Szpakowski, Morris Catholic High School
- Serving Up Waste Reduction - Holly Tighe, Director of Dining Services, Chartwells, County College of Morris
- Leading by Example - Wilmington Paper Corporation, Montville Township
- Hy Nadel Creativity Award “Every child is an artist.” Pablo Picasso - Tricia Goginsky, Educator and Artist, Morris Knolls High School
- Recipient of the Maraziti Falcon Environmental Excellence Scholarship - Grace Faulkner, Morris County School of Technology
Apr. 30, 2015 - 27th Awards Program - Environmental Excellence Luncheon - Awards include:
Working Together for a Healthy Whippany River
- Bayer Healthcare, Hanover
- Robin Dente, Assistant Administrator, Township of Hanover
- Whippany River Watershed Action Committee
- Notas Sustainability, It’s Drew, It’s True, Christina Notas, Sustainability Coordinator, Drew University
Working Together for a Healthy Whippany River
- Impact Through Recycling, Siemens Healthcare Diagnostics, Flanders
- Watching and Calculating Successful Recycling, Casio America, Inc., Dover
- Blossoming Recycling at Knoll Gardens, John Coronato, Property Manager, Knoll Gardens Apartments, Parsippany
- It's No Time To Waste, Liam Nash, Founder of
- En Pointe with Reuse, Amanda Bloom, Founder of "A Chance To Dance"
- Burrowing Ahead To the Top of the Heap, Borough of Chatham's Recycling Program
- Recipient of the Maraziti Falcon Environmental Excellence Scholarship, Natalie Levine, Morristown High School

- Picking Up The Spare Award – Joan Bowling, Denville
- Bobbing For Recyclables Award – Bob Olivo, Netcong
- Walking Tall Award – Al Knoth, Rockaway Township
- Walking Tall Award – Tim Zachok, Pequannock
- Meghan “Natural Lite” Award – Meghan Van Dyk, Daily Record
- On Par Recycling Award, Mike Prall, Parsippany
- Marshall McLuhan Recycling Award – County College of Morris Media Center, Randolph
- Presentation of the Maraziti, Falcon & Healey Environmental Excellence Scholarship – Naomi Pohl, Recipient
- Tried Our Best To Recycle The Rest Award – Puleo’s Brick Oven, Florham Park
- Re-use Is The Solution Award – Furnishing Solutions, Morris Plains
- Restoring Our Habitat Award – Morris Habitat for Humanity ReStore, Randolph
The Hy Nadel Creativity Award - Kelly Whalen, County College of Morris

Morris County Municipal Utilities Authority (MCMUA) Receives the 2013 Educational Program Award From the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection (NJDEP) At the 33rd Annual Recycling Symposium & Luncheon sponsored by the Association of New Jersey Recyclers on October 16, 2013, the MCMUA received the 2013 Educational Program Award from the NJDEP. The award was given for the 25 recycling awards dinners hosted by the MCMUA, the first having occurred in 1988. The purpose of the dinners was to honor individuals, businesses, municipalities, social and civic organizations, schools, houses of worship, and others who have been exceptionally involved in projects involving waste prevention, reuse, recycling, composting, and litter abatement. In the photo above, Penny Jones, Morris County recycling education specialist, accepts the award from Guy Watson, chief of the NJDEP Bureau of Recycling & Planning.

Fred Wilson, Operations Manager of the Morris County Municipal Utilities Authority's curbside recycling department, was presented an award by the New Jersey Clean Communities Council at their annual awards banquet in Jersey City. In addition to supervising the day-to-day operations of the MCMUA curbside recycling collection program, Fred also oversees road cleanups along county roadways and is directly responsible for having 93 miles of roads cleaned over the last 14 months. The MCMUA is proud of Fred’s accomplishments and we congratulate him on a job very well done!

- First Prize For A Second Chance Award – Novartis Pharmaceuticals Corporation, East Hanover
- Cleanup Superstar Award – Pastor Sidney Williams, Bethel A.M.E. Church, Morristown
- McRex (Morris County Recycling Excellence) Award – Michael Petonak, Boonton
- Extra, Extra! Read All About It Award – Michael Daigle, Lawrence Ragonese, and Fred Snowflack
- It’s S’cool To Be Green! Award – Mendham Township Elementary School, Mendham Township
- A+ For A Cleaner Mount Arlington Award – Mount Arlington Public School, Mount Arlington
- Take One: Action! Award – Chatham Township Environmental Commission, Chatham Township
- Composting’s A Blast! Go, Rocket! Award – School District of the Chathams, Chatham Borough and Chatham Township
- Presentation of the Maraziti, Falcon & Healey Environmental Excellence Scholarship – Nayna Shah, Morristown High School, Morristown
The Hy Nadel Creativity Award - Theodore Largman, Ph.D.

- The Mandator Award – Stephanie Gorman
- Litter Bugs Me! Award – Dennis Kearns
- Slice of Recycling Award – Shari Mendelson
- Producer Responsibility Award – David Thompson
- Teaching By Example Award – Phil Infantolino
- Recycling – It’s in the Card Catalogue Award Parsippany-Troy Hills Library, Main Branch
- Presentation of the Maraziti, Falcon & Healey Environmental Excellence Scholarship to Nicole Gomez
- RXcycling Award – Bayer HealthCare Pharmaceuticals, Inc.
- Doing It Right – Jumbo Size Award – Wharton Costco
- Recycling – One Can Award ReCommunity Recycling, Inc.
- The Hy Nadel Creativity Award – Lois Mettler and Caroll Saks

- Individuals Who Have Made A
Difference Awards
- Brown, The New Green Award – Jeff Brown, Thomas Jefferson School, Morris School District
- Sealing The Lid On Waste Award – Bruce Gerritson, Hishi Plastics, Lincoln Park
- Emerging From The Chrysalis Award – Kevin Mackey and Tom Piorkowski, Lincoln Park
- Making Recycling Everyone’s Business Award – Greg Pavlic, Parsippany
- Rags Into Riches Award – Harrison Richlin, Mount Olive High School
- Education Awards
- Recycling, Like Honey, Is Sweet Award – Dennis B. O’Brien School, Rockaway Township School District
- Turning Aluminum Into Bronze Award –
Hanover Township Girl
Scout Troop 419 - Welcome Home, Native Bird Species! Award – Morris County School of Technology, Denville
- Business Awards
- The Best Choice Award – Ag Choice, Andover
- If It’s Rechargeable, It’s Recyclable Award – Rechargeable Battery Corporation
- Green To The Last Drop Award – Rockline Industries, Montville
- Municipal Award
- A Step Ahead Award – Town of Morristown
- Special Recognition
- Presentation of the MCMUA Resolution Recognizing Herman (“Hy”) Nadel, Slide Show Featuring 18 Awards Dinner Sheet Cakes Baked and Decorated by Hy, and Announcement Regarding the Hy Nadel Creativity Award
- Thinking Outside The Box Award – Michael Albert, Artist
- Freeholder Liaison Par Excellence
Award – Jack J. Schrier

GE-Aviation Systems, LLC, Hanover Township; Building for a “Greener” Tomorrow Award– Homeless Solutions, Inc., Morristown. In addition the dinner commemorated Seven “Stars” who have retired from or moved on from the municipal recycling arena within the past five years:Barbara Bate, Chatham Borough; Hal Bermingham, Morris Plains; Joe Giordano, Morris Township; Jasmine Lim, Parsippany-Troy Hills and Montville; Joe Lowell, Denville; Penny Newell, Mendham Township; Gino Recksiek, Jefferson.

Litter clinging to her sweater, Liz Sweedy, Morris County Clean
Communities Coordinator, visits a classroom to tell the students
why they shouldn't litter. She reads the book The Wartville Wizard
and shows slides from the book. She introduces them to her puppets
and tells them about storm drains and how litter travels through
them and how plastic wrap looks like a jellyfish in the water and
is eaten by fish. Liz Sweedy has given 45 of these small classroom
presentations this spring to over 900 elementary school students.
In addition, she contracts with several educational presenters who
also educate in the Morris County schools, usually in an assembly
type format to all ages of students.

Oct. 15,
2003 - The Association of New Jersey Recyclers (ANJR) bestowed
the 2003 REX (Recycling Excellence) Award on Morris County
District Recycling Coordinator Kathleen Hourihan at “Drive Home
Recycling,” the 23rd Annual Recycling Symposium and
Luncheon. Sponsors of “Drive Home Recycling” were ANJR; the New Jersey
Department of Environmental Protection, Division of Solid and
Hazardous Waste, and; the New Jersey Recycling Forum.
The REX Award has been presented annually since 1994 to an active ANJR member who is well-versed on the issues of recycling and solid waste and who promotes ANJR goals through action and advocacy.
A 1990 honors graduate of Cook College in New Brunswick, New Jersey, Kathleen holds a B.S. degree in environmental science. In November 1993 she completed the first New Jersey Recycling Certification Series program offered by the Cook College Office of Continuing Professional Education.
In June 1993 Kathleen began working at the Morris County Municipal Utilities Authority (MCMUA) as an assistant recycling specialist, and in August 1998 she became the Morris County district recycling coordinator.
For several years she has served on the ANJR Board of Directors where she has been involved in several projects including overseeing the publishing of Beyond the Curb…, the ANJR newsletter.
Kathleen, a Morris Plains resident and a member of the Morris Plains Recycling Committee, is also a Morris Habitat for Humanity volunteer who served on its board for six years. As a Habitat Board member, she was secretary of the board and then chair of the public relations council. During summer 2003 she spent a week in Anniston, Alabama, working on construction projects. Former President Jimmy Carter, who was also volunteering at the Anniston project, was photographed with Kathleen.
“Kathleen is very patient during ANJR Board meetings,” said Cumberland County Recycling Coordinator Dennis DeMatte, who presented the REX Award to her. “She waits until nearly the end of meetings to ask detailed questions.”
“She’s a first when it comes to being passionate about waste prevention and recycling,” Dennis added.
Joining Kathleen at the awards ceremony were several of her MCMUA colleagues, as well as MCMUA Chairman James Barry, and Kathleen’s parents, Bernadette and Joseph Hourihan of Cedar Grove, New Jersey.
Morris County's comprehensive recycling program is one of the most successful in the Country. It has achieved the New Jersey's 50% municipal recycling goal as well as its 60% overall recycling goal. In addition, the Morris County's recycling program reaches into the business community and also handles non-traditional recyclables such as fluorescent light bulbs, ballasts, batteries and more. While individual staff members have received awards in the past, the MCMUA is especially honored to receive this prestigious state-wide county recycling program award.