Transfer Station Info (Tip Fee $115.00/ton)
- Mt. Olive Mon-Fri 7:30am-3pm; Sat 7:30am-11am
- Parsippany Mon-Fri 7am-3pm; Sat 7:30am-11am
- Closed Sundays and Major Holidays
- No Rental Trucks
- Payment by Account, Check, Credit Card. No Cash

Morris County
Municipal Utilties Authority
Transfer Station Info (Tip Fee $115.00/ton)
- Mt. Olive Mon-Fri 7:30am-3pm; Sat 7:30am-11am
- Parsippany Mon-Fri 7am-3pm; Sat 7:30am-11am
- Closed Sundays and Major Holidays
- No Rental Trucks
- Payment by Account, Check, Credit Card. No Cash
Solid Waste Management Plan

In a November 1988 amendment to the Morris County Solid Waste Management Plan (Plan), the Morris County Board of Chosen Freeholders designated the Morris County Municipal Utilities Authority (MCMUA) as the implementing agency for the Plan. As such, the MCMUA runs certain solid waste programs for Morris County, and the MCMUA also performs planning functions related to maintaining and updating the Morris County Solid Waste Management Plan on behalf of the Board of Chosen Freeholders.
The Plan serves as a blueprint for how Morris County implements its solid waste management strategy with respect to waste reduction, recycling and disposal. It describes requirements for providing garbage disposal for Morris County waste generators and establishes mandates and goals for keeping recyclables separate from garbage. Additionally, the Plan lists all solid waste facilities located in Morris County that require Plan inclusion prior to starting solid waste management activities as required by the Solid Waste Management Act. (N.J.S.A. 13:1E-1 et. seq.) and regulations promulgated by NJDEP (primarily located in N.J.A.C. 7:26 et. seq.).
NJDEP Recycling Exemptions
In accordance with state regulations (N.J.A.C 7:26A-1.4), some limited recycling activities are exempt from needing NJDEP solid waste division approval prior to operating. Additionally, some of these limited recycling activities may commence without first obtaining and Morris County Solid Waste Management Plan inclusion or consistency.
Click here to read a summary of these regulations or Click here to go to NJDEP's website containing NJ's solid waste and recycling rules and regulations to read the specific regulations. Call NJDEP's planning office at 609-984-3438 for more information about notifying and operating as an exempt recycling activity/facility.
Amending the Plan
Provided below are the three means of applying to Morris County to amend the Morris County District Solid Waste Management Plan (Plan) with respect to including a solid waste facility in the Plan.
Guidelines For Evaluation of Solid Waste Facility Requests To Be Included In The Morris County Solid Waste Management Plan utilized by the Solid Waste Advisory Council in formulating its recommendation to the Board of Chosen Freeholders. Originally adopted on September 16, 1998 this procedure was formally included as part of the Morris County Solid Waste Management Plan as part of the Plan Amendment dated March 2007.
Blanket Inclusion Policy for Vegetative Waste Compost Facilities and Recycling Centers. Included in Plan amendment dated February 1993 and certified by the NJDEP on August 25, 1993.
7:26-6.11 Administrative actions concerning a district solid waste management plan.
(a) Each administrative action taken relative to a district solid waste management plan or program shall comply with the requirements of this section.
(b) For the purposes of this section, a solid waste management plan administrative action includes, but is not limited to, the following:
- The use of Resource Recovery Investment Tax (RRIT) grant moneys and/or the development of the associated disbursement schedules;
- The designation of or change to prior approved truck routes to or from solid waste facilities;
- The inclusion of new recycling facilities for processing Class A or Class C recyclable materials (as identified at N.J.A.C. 7:26A-1.4(a)14), or replacement units at existing regulated medical waste facilities; i. The inclusion and/or expansion of recycling and compost facilities shall be, at the discretion of the district, subject to any previous blanket inclusion policies approved by the Department and shall be undertaken by the district in accordance with the approved district solid waste management plan. This paragraph is intended to supplement and not replace any previously approved blanket inclusion policy for a district. ii. Any blanket inclusion amendment approved by the Department shall contain a provision requiring, among other things, notification to the public as to the location for the receipt of written comments and the starting and ending dates for the written comment period.
- The expansion of capacity of any size, other than that specified at N.J.A.C. 7:26-6.10(b)8 and 10, for any regulated solid waste facility. Only one capacity increase over the operational life of the regulated solid waste facility may be accomplished via administrative action.
- The modification of an existing facility including acceptance of additional waste types, on-site operational changes and expansions of facility buffer zones or expansions into buffer zones for ancillary operational activities;
- The modification of a recycling program, including the designation of additional materials for recycling, procurement strategies, market strategies, public education, private incentive programs, waste audit strategies, yard waste programs, per container programs, and enforcement strategies;
- The deletion of any facility which is included in the plan for more than two years but for which a complete permit application has not been made, or the deletion of any facility which is included in the plan but has not been in operation for more than two years;
- Unless specifically noted by the Department within a plan certification document, any information collected and/or submitted by the district plan implementation agency, including, but not limited to, solid waste studies, reports, data collection, compost inventories, and weekly waste averaging (when the daily rate has already been included in the plan);
- The reaffirmation of an existing district solid waste disposal strategy subsequent to the final disposition of the Atlantic Coast Demolition and Recycling, Inc. v. Board of Chosen Freeholders of Atlantic County, Civil Action No. 93-cv-02669 (D.N.J. May 1, 1997) case, provided that the plan implementation agency has held a public hearing on such reaffirmation for the purpose of receiving comments from persons interested in or affected by the amendment. Notice of such hearing shall be published in newspapers of general circulation in the district not less than 10 calendar days prior to the hearing and shall include the information set forth in N.J.A.C. 7:26-6.10(c)2;
- Any increase in the solid waste disposal capacity of an existing permitted landfill which is less than or equal to the volume equivalent of the acceptance of an additional 100 tons per day of solid waste over the smaller of 10 years or the remaining life of the existing permitted landfill. Such capacity increase may only be done via administrative action if the facility has signed a Silver Track II for Landfills Covenant with the Department. Additionally, only one capacity increase over the operational life of the permitted landfill may be accomplished via administrative action; and
- The operation of a solid waste intermodal container facility;
- The operation of a commercial collection facility for medical waste;
- The operation of a RD & D project pursuant to N.J.A.C. 7:26-1.7;
- Any other administrative action as may be identified by the Department.
(c) Nothing contained in this section shall be construed to subrogate the district solid waste management planning process. The board of chosen freeholders or the Hackensack Meadowlands Development Commission, in its discretion, may hold a public hearing prior to the adoption of any administrative district solid waste plan action.
(d) The board of chosen freeholders or the New Jersey Meadowlands Commission or the designated implementation agency of the affected district shall submit to the Department a letter that describes in detail the administrative action to be taken relative to the district solid waste management program. 1. The letter concerning the administrative action shall be submitted to the address at N.J.A.C. 7:26-6.10(e).
(e) Upon receipt of a letter describing the administrative action, submitted pursuant to (d) above, the Department shall review the information provided. Within 10 working days of receipt of the letter, the Department shall notify, in writing, the entity that submitted the letter concerning the administrative action of its receipt of such letter.
(f) The Department shall approve, modify or reject an administrative action within 30 working days of receipt of the letter describing the administrative action pursuant to (d) above, unless it determines that the described action is subject to the requirements for a solid waste management plan amendment pursuant to N.J.A.C. 7:26-6.10. In the event the Department fails to respond to a letter concerning an administrative action within the 30 day period, the administrative action shall be deemed approved.
Plan Amendments (reverse date order)
The Morris County Solid Waste Management Plan as amended is provided below:
Plan Inclusion Approval via Administrative Action
- The inclusion of the Stericycle Shred-It Facility Class A Facility, located at 81 Walsh Drive, Block 136, Lot 36.3 in
the Township of Parsippany-Troy Hills. The amendment includes processing of up to 6,000 tons of paper and 250 tons of other confidential destruction materials per year, as well as up to 25 tons per day (tpd) of paper and 1.5 tpd of other confidential destruction materials.
NJDEP Plan Inclusion Approval: November 16, 2024
Administrative Action Request
- A modification to the existing Jefferson Recycling Plan inclusion that adds the acceptance and processing
of source separated Class B tires to its already approved acceptance of concrete, brick and block, natural wood waste (trees, tree parts, stumps, brush and leaves).
Administrative Action Request: September 8, 2021 and NJDEP approval: October 1, 2021
Solid Waste Management Plan Amendment dated January 2020
that incorporates the terms and conditions contained the disposal contract of Solid Waste Services, Inc. d/b/a J.P.
Mascaro & Sons based on a bid submitted on June 11, 2020 and a contract executed on
August 5, 2020. This bid was submitted in accordance with the notice to bidders issued by the
MCMUA on February 21, 2020 entitled “Sealed Bids For Operating The Two Morris County Solid
Waste Transfer Stations, Located In Parsippany-Troy Hills Township And Mount Olive Township,
Including Providing Transportation And Disposal Of All Solid Waste Received At The Transfer
Station Facilities.”
Amendment: September 2020 - NJDEP Certification: July 13, 2021
Solid Waste Management Plan Amendment dated September 2018 that includes the
KDS Class B Recycling Center for concrete, brick, block and asphalt recycling located in the
Township of Mt. Olive.
Amendment: November 19, 2018 - NJDEP Certification : March 13, 2019
Administrative Action Request
- October 2, 2017 request to include the CipCycle Class "A" paper recycling facility in the Borough of Rockaway in the Plan.
Administrative Action Request: October 2, 2017 - NJDEP approval: October 13, 2017
Solid Waste Management Plan Amendment dated April 2017
that includes the Electronics Recyclers International ("ERI") Class D Recycling Center for Electronics Demanufacturing
located in the Borough of Lincoln Park.
Amendment: July 12, 2017 - NJDEP Certification: October 26, 2017
Administrative Action Request
- July 27, 2017 administrative action request to modify the Plan to include the request of Northeast Products facility located in Ledgewood (Roxbury Township)
to accept up to 125 tons of leaves per day for transport to a leaf mulching site.
Administrative Action Request: July 27, 2017 - NJDEP approval: August 29, 2017
Administrative Action Request
- August 26, 2016 request to include the Kirk Allen Trucking, LLC vegetative waste composting operation located in Mt. Olive Township in the Plan to operate in accordance with
N.J.A.C. 7:26A-1.4(a)13 which allows for recycling activities that are exempt from receiving NJDEP general approval.
Administrative Action Request: August 26, 2016 - NJDEP approval: September 12, 2016
Administrative Action Request
- A modification to the existing Jefferson Recycling Plan inclusion that adds the acceptance and processing
of source separated Class B natural wood waste (trees, tree parts, stumps, brush and leaves)
to its already approved acceptance of concrete, brick and block.
Administrative Action Request: March 8, 2016 and NJDEP approval: March 23, 2016
Solid Waste Management Plan Amendment dated January 2016
that incorporates the terms and conditions contained the disposal contract of Solid Waste Services, Inc. d/b/a J.P.
Mascaro & Sons based on a bid submitted on January 9, 2015 and a contract executed on
February 20, 2015. This bid was submitted in accordance with the notice to bidders issued by the
MCMUA on October 27, 2014 entitled “Sealed Bids For Operating The Two Morris County Solid
Waste Transfer Stations, Located In Parsippany-Troy Hills Township And Mount Olive Township,
Including Providing Transportation And Disposal Of All Solid Waste Received At The Transfer
Station Facilities.”
Amendment: January 2016 - NJDEP Certification: July 27, 2016
Administrative Action Request
- A modification to the existing Rotondi Plan inclusion that consolidates Rotondi's existing class "B" wood grinding activity; it operates on an adjacent lot, with its already permitted class "C" vegetative waste transfer station. Additionally, the acceptance of
dimensional lumber, limited to unpainted and untreated wood as well as pallets, to the existing natural wood grinding operation, was added.
Administrative Action Request: April 1, 2014 and NJDEP approval: April 7, 2014
Solid Waste Management Plan Amendment dated July 2013
that includes the County Concrete Corp. Class B Recycling Center for Concrete Recycling located in Roxbury Township.
Amendment: September 11, 2013 - NJDEP Certification: January 31, 2014
Solid Waste Management Plan Amendment dated January 2013
that incorporates the terms and conditions contained in an September 13, 2012, proposal submitted by
Solid Waste Services, Inc., d/b/a J.P. Mascaro and Sons (Mascaro.) The Mascaro bid was submitted in response to a request for bids
issued by the MCMUA on July 9, 2012, entitled, “Sealed Bids for Operating The Two Morris County Solid Waste Transfer Stations,
Located In Parsippany-Troy Hills Township And Mount Olive Township, Including Providing Transportation Via Transfer Trailers
And Alternatives For Intermodal Rail Containers And Disposal Of All Solid Waste Received At The Transfer Stations."
Amendment: Feb. 13, 2013 - NJDEP Certification: July 19, 2013
Administrative Action Request
- Plan Inclusion of Bednar Landscaping, L.L.C., Boonton, NJ class "C" composting facility (leaves and grass)
managing less than 5,000 cubic yards per year of material generated exclusively by Bednar's own landscaping business.
Administrative Action Request: July 16, 2012 - NJDEP Approval: July 23, 2012
Jefferson Recycling, L.L.C. Plan Amendment to include the
class B concrete recycling operation, Township of Jefferson (block 272, lots 8 and 9), Morris County, New Jersey into the Morris County Solid Waste Management Plan.
Amendment: June 2012 - NJDEP Certification: Dec. 10, 2012
Administrative Action Request
- Plan Inclusion Clarification/Modification Morris County MUA - Class "B" & Class "C" Vegetative Waste
Facility, Parsippany and Class "B" & Class "C" Vegetative Waste Facility, Mount Olive.
Administrative Action Request: Dec. 22, 2011 - NJDEP Approval: Jan. 3, 2012
RER Supply, L.L.C. Plan Amendment to include the leaf, grass and tree part class
C transfer and class B processing operation, Borough of Riverdale (block 30, lot 1.03), Morris County, New Jersey into the Morris County Solid Waste Management Plan.
Amendment: 6/2011 - NJDEP Certification: 1/11/2012
Administrative Action Request updating August 1995 plan inclusion
of FCR Morris Inc (now known as ReCommunity Morris) Class A recycling facility in Mine Hill incorporating single-stream recycling
operations and associated changes.
Administrative Action Request: 12/14/2010 - NJDEP Certification: 12/22/2010
Administrative Action Request clarifying the
inclusion of Novartis Pharmaceuticals incinerator to include the processing of solid waste types 10, 25 and
27. It also amended the operating hours of the incinerator to be 24 hours per day, 7 days per week.
Administrative Action Request: 10/13/2010 - NJDEP Approval 10/20/2010
Solid Waste Management Plan Amendment dated January 2008
that incorporates the terms and conditions contained in an December 18, 2007, proposal submitted by
Waste Management of New Jersey, Inc. (WM). The WM bid was submitted in response to a request for bids
issued by the MCMUA on October 15, 2007, entitled, “Sealed Bids for Operating the Two Morris
County Solid Waste Transfer Stations, located in Parsippany-Troy Hills Township and Mount Olive
Township, including Providing Transportation via Transfer Trailers and/or Intermodal Rail Containers
and Disposal of all Solid Waste Received at the Transfer Stations."
Amendment: 4/9/2008 - NJDEP Certification: 8/5/2008
Administrative Action Request allowing the Veolia ES
Technical Solutions, L.L.C. facility (formerly Onyx and AETS) located in Mt. Olive Township to operate
as a commercial collection facility for regulated medical waste.
Administrative Action Request: 5/10/2007 - NJDEP Approval 6/5/2007
Response to the January 2006 New Jersey Department
of Environmental Protection Solid Waste Management and Sludge Management State Plan Update - March 2007.
In an NJDEP certification dated October 10, 2007, the Plan amendment was approved with the exception
of the fee schedule for collectors of solid waste who collect commingled loads of solid waste and
designated recyclables or who mix designated recyclables with solid waste. This was
the only portion of the April 1, 2007, amendment to the County Plan that was rejected.
Amendment: 4/1/2007 - NJDEP Certification: 10/10/2007
Capacity Expansion of the two MCMUA
transfer stations located in Mount Olive and Parsippany-Troy Hills townships.
Amendment: 12/21/2004 - NJDEP Certification: 5/13/2005
Blanket Inclusion of A-L Services, Inc. exempt
Class "C" Vegetative Waste Compost Facility in Township of Jefferson. Exempt activity and therefore
certification is not applicable.
Amendment: 2/26/2003 - NJDEP Certification: Not Applicable
Solid Waste Management Plan Amendment dated June
2002 that incorporates the terms and conditions contained in an April 2, 2002, proposal
submitted by Waste Management of New Jersey, Inc. (WM). The WM bid was submitted in
response to a request for bids issued by the MCMUA on January 11, 2002, entitled
"Operating the Two Morris County Solid Waste Transfer Stations, Located in
Parsippany-Troy Hills Township and Mount Olive Township, Including Providing
Transportation to Disposal Facilities and Disposal of County Solid Waste." Finally,
this Plan amendment updates and/or deletes existing elements of the Plan, which are
superseded by the implementation of the abovementioned transfer station operations,
transportation, and disposal proposal by WM.
Amendment: 7/24/2002 - NJDEP Certification: 12/20/2002
Solid Waste Management Plan Amendment dated March 2002
that provides a capacity clarification for the two Morris County Shade Tree Department Class "B" and
Class "C" vegetative waste recycling facilities located in Mount Olive and Parsippany-Troy Hills townships.
Amendment: 3/13/2002 - NJDEP Certification: 6/23/2002
Inclusion of Morris County Shade Tree Department Class "B"
Vegetative Waste Recycling Facility (Camp Pulaski) in Mount Olive Township.
Amendment: 3/14/2001 - NJDEP Certification: 8/28/2001
Inclusion of Borough of Riverdale Class "C" Vegetative Waste Compost Facility in Borough of
Amendment: 6/24/2001 - NJDEP Certification: 8/4/2001
Inclusion of the former AETS, Inc and Onyx., now Veolia Environmental Services, ID27 solid waste transfer station in
Mount Olive Township.
Amendment: 7/14/1999 - NJDEP Certification: 11/9/1999
Blanket Inclusion of CarpetCycle Company Carpet and Padding Recycling Facility in Dover. Blanket
inclusion therefore certification is not applicable.
Amendment: 2/10/1999 - NJDEP Certification: Not Applicable
Dan Como & Sons Exempt Compost Facility in Montville Township. Exempt activity and therefore certification
is not applicable.
Amendment: 3/17/1998 - NJDEP Certification: Not Applicable
Administrative Action reaffirming, without modification, the solid
waste disposal system due to the final disposition of the Atlantic Coast waste flow
control litigation.
Amendment: 12/9/1997 - NJDEP Certification: 1/9/1998
Resource Recovery Investment Tax Fund Financial Plan
Amendment: 7/1996 - NJDEP Certification: 1/20/1997
Resource Recovery Investment Tax Fund Financial Plan
Amendment: 4/1996 - NJDEP Certification: 10/9/1996
- Clarification of Issues Related to Use of Out-of-State Landfill in Connection with Utilization of Essex County Resource Recovery Facility
Inclusion of FCR Morris, Inc., Class "A" Recycling Center in Mine Hill Township
Utilization of Essex County Resource Recovery Facility with Associated Use of Transfer Stations
and Out-of-State Landfill; and Follow-up to Response to the Task Force Report.
Amendment: 11/1994 - NJDEP Certification: 5/11/1995
- Inclusion of the Randolph Township Drop-Off Convenience Site for Household Solid Waste in Randolph Township.
Amendment: 9/1994 - NJDEP Certification: 2/14/1995
Inclusion of Riverdale Quarry Class "B" Recycling Center in Riverdale Borough.
Amendment: 8/1994 - NJDEP Certification: 2/14/1995
Transfer Station Facilities - Capacity Clarification and RRIT.
Amendment: 7/12/1993 - NJDEP Certification: 6/1994
Amendment Pertaining to Plan Arising from the Acquisition of
MCTS Transfer Station Facilities and Associated Real Property.
Amendment: 11/1993 - NJDEP Certification: 12/29/1993
Response to the Task Force Report.
Amendment: 2/1993 - NJDEP Certification: 8/25/1993
Inclusion of Mount Hope Rock Class "B" Recycling Center in Rockaway Township.
Amendment: 5/1992 - NJDEP Certification: 11/17/1992
Designation of the Morris County Dept. of Solid Waste Mgt. as the Morris County Implementation Agency.
Amendment: 4/1991 - NJDEP Certification: 10/17/1991
Plan Elements Arising from the MCTS Rate Case Amendment to Settlement Agreement dated 2/27/91.
Amendment: 3/1991 - NJDEP Certification: 10/17/1991
Inclusion of Morris County Consolidation Center in Dover.
Amendment: 2/1991 - NJDEP Certification: 10/17/1991
Inclusion of the Sandoz Pharmaceutical Small-Scale Incinerator in East Hanover Township.
Amendment: 10/1990< - NJDEP Certification: 4/19/1991
Inclusion of the Dover General Medical Waste Incinerator in Dover Town.
Amendment: 6/19901 - NJDEP Certification: 4/19/1991
Inclusion of Ox Contractors Stump Factory in Roxbury Township.
Amendment: 1/1990 - NJDEP Certification: 2/17/1990 - Administrative Action request for a change in ownership to Northeast Products, LLC from Nature's Choice Corporation: August 16, 2016. - Approval: August 25, 2016
Inclusion of Site 15 in Roxbury for Resource Recovery, Deletion of Site 6-1B in Rockaway for Resource Recovery, Sizing of Resource Recovery Facility at 1,340 TPD, etc. Also Included is the Response to Comments Document.
Amendment: 12/1989 - NJDEP Certification: 7/2/1990
Inclusion of Morristown Hospital Medical Waste Incinerator in Morristown.
Amendment: 10/1989 - NJDEP Certification: 5/10/1990
Inclusion of Chilton Memorial Medical Waste Incinerator in Pequannock Township.
Amendment: 10/1989 - NJDEP Certification: 5/10/1990
MCTS Rate Case Settlement.
Amendment: 10/1989 - NJDEP Certification: 5/10/1990
Inclusion of Rotondi Leaf Transfer Station in Chatham Borough, St. Clares Hospital Medical Waste Incinerator in Denville, Resource Recovery Investment Tax Fund Spending Program.
Amendment: 8/1989 - NJDEP Certification: 3/10/1990
Inclusion of Garden State Paper Facility (site now operating as Trinity Recycling) in Mine Hill Township.
Amendment: 2/1989 - NJDEP Certification: 10/26/1989
Truck Routes to Par-Troy Transfer Station
Amendment: 11/21/1988 - NJDEP Certification: 7/5/1989
Amended District Recycling Plan
Amendment: 10/1988 - NJDEP Certification: 3/8/1989
Original District Recycling Plan
Amendment: 1/27/1988 - NJDEP Certification: 7/6/1988
MCMUA as Implementing Agency
Amendment: 11/1978 - NJDEP Certification: 3/3/1988
Additional Lots for Par-Troy Transfer Station
Amendment: 8/1987 - NJDEP Certification: 9/28/1987
Deletion of Site 6-1B for Sanitary Landfill
Amendment: None - NJDEP Certification: 4/6/1987
Inclusion of Transfer Station Sites
Amendment: 4/1/1987 - NJDEP Certification: 2/28/1987
Development of Transfer Station Sites
Amendment: 1/17/1986 - NJDEP Certification: 5/13/86
Site 6-1B for Resource Recovery
Amendment: 11/1985 - NJDEP Certification: 3/25/86
Waste Flow to Edgeboro
Amendment: 1/1985 - NJDEP Certification: 8/19/1985
Solid Waste Management Plan Update
Amendment: 1985 - NJDEP Certification: August 19, 1985
Original Solid Waste Management Plan
Amendment: 1979 - (Executive Summary) - NJDEP Certification: May 13, 1980