Transfer Station Info (Tip Fee $115.00/ton)
- Mt. Olive Mon-Fri 7:30am-3pm; Sat 7:30am-11am
- Parsippany Mon-Fri 7am-3pm; Sat 7:30am-11am
- Closed Sundays and Major Holidays
- No Rental Trucks
- Payment by Account, Check, Credit Card. No Cash

Morris County
Municipal Utilties Authority
Transfer Station Info (Tip Fee $115.00/ton)
- Mt. Olive Mon-Fri 7:30am-3pm; Sat 7:30am-11am
- Parsippany Mon-Fri 7am-3pm; Sat 7:30am-11am
- Closed Sundays and Major Holidays
- No Rental Trucks
- Payment by Account, Check, Credit Card. No Cash

Water Service Areas and Infrastructure
The MCMUA Water Division provides water to municipal and commercial water systems serving Morris County. The water is from eight wells drilled into deep underground aquifers in two well fields. These wells pump up to 218 million gallons per month.

How Water Towers Work - The Morris County MUA water system is fortunate to have a large capacity of water storage using its tanks and towers to help efficiently and reliable provide water to its customers. Below is a video describing in general how water towers work which is similar to how the MCMMUA water system works.
Service Areas
The MCMUA uses a system of wells, pumps, booster stations, tanks and pipelines to provide water to these following water systems:
- Denville Township
- Jefferson Township
- Mine Hill Township
- Mount Arlington Borough
- N.J. American Water Company
- Parsippany-Troy Hills Township
- Randolph Township
- Roxbury Township
- Wharton Borough
- Southeast Morris County M.U.A.
Main Features
- 8 Production Wells with 10.2 MGD Total Capacity and 7.9 MGD Firm Capacity
- 6 MG Low Service Storage
- 2 MG High Service Storage
- 3 MG Med Service Storage
- 14.2 MG Booster Pump Station
25 miles of 24", 16" and 12" transmission main
Well Fields
- Alamatong Well Field in Randolph with a diversion of 128 million gallons per month
Flanders Valley Well Field in Mt. Olive Township with a diversion of 90 million gallons per month
What does It Look Like Down The Well? - The video below tankes a trip down one of the MCMUA wells.
Aquifer & Capacity (GPM)
- Alamatong #1 - 450 Upper Strat Drift
- Alamatong #2 - 450 Upper Strat Drift
- Alamatong #3 - 450 Lower Strat Drift
- Alamatong #4 - 1,000 Lower Strat Drift
- Alamatong #5 - 550 Liethsville Limestone
- Alamatong #6 - 1,000 Liethsville Limestone
- Flanders Valley #1 - 2,000 Liethsville Limestone
Flanders Valley #2 - 2,000 Liethsville Limestone