Transfer Station Info (Tip Fee $115.00/ton)
- Mt. Olive Mon-Fri 7:30am-3pm; Sat 7:30am-11am
- Parsippany Mon-Fri 7am-3pm; Sat 7:30am-11am
- Closed Sundays and Major Holidays
- No Rental Trucks
- Payment by Account, Check, Credit Card. No Cash
Tossing out the trash and drinking city-water isn't as simple as it used to be. Most of the complication is for a good reason, to help save money, resources and the environment. The MCMUA has decades of experience in providing answers to your solid waste and water matters; come find them here. Solutions Every Day!
Individuals and families
Having a home can be challenging at times....
Multi-family housing
Condos and apartments have to recycle like the rest of us...
Morris County Recycling 51% of Municipal Solid Waste (garbage)
For 2017, the Morris County municipal recycling rate was 51%. This is the highest rate in northern NJ, the 3rd highest in the state and achieve our 50% recycling rate goal.
Virtually all types of trucks can be used to transport waste to and dump waste at the transfer stations, but most trucks will be required to have NJDEP decals on them to access the transfer station. The only exception to having an NJDEP decal on your truck is if you are delivering your own waste self-generated in your home and the vehicle is registered with Motor Vehicle Commission as having a gross vehicle weight of 9,000 lbs. or less, and the vehicle does not have commercial plates.
Click here to read an NJDEP Enforcement Advisory explaining when NJDEP Hauling Decals are required.
Important: Do not rent any sized vehicle from U-Haul, Lowes, Home Depot, Ryder, etc., and expect to be able to use the transfer stations with them. State law requires that all commercial vehicles and/or vehicles with commercial license plates must have current NJDEP hauling decals on them in order to use the transfer stations. Additionally, any truck over 9,000 gross vehicle weight will not be permitted to dump its load at the transfer station if it does not have the appropriate NJDEP decal on it. Click here for more information about NJDEP decal requirements, or call the NJDEP directly at 609-292-7081.
The MCMUA does not provide recycling containers. The MCMUA does provide recycling and trash decals for your own containers. Click here to view the decals that the MCMUA provides.
If recycling was not picked up on your scheduled collection day, it must be reported to your Municipal Recycling Coordinator/Municipality no later than 10 AM the day following collection. Any missed pick up reported after 10 AM the day following will not be picked up until the next scheduled collection.
The MCMUA currently collects recyclables manually, which dictates a 50-pound limit on the the weight of each individual recycling container and its contents. Please use multiple containers if you have over 50 pounds of recyclables to place at the curb for collection by the MCMUA.
While most residents recycle cans and bottles and most types of paper through their curbside recycling program, there are other less traditional items mandated to be recycled, even though they may not be acceptable in the town's curbside recycling collection program. Tires and appliances are common examples of such mandated recyclables.
Residents should label their home garbage and recycling containers. Many people say they know what container is what and they don't need a decal, but the decals are not only for their use but for the curbside collection crew. Some towns have recycling and garbage collection on the same day. Click here to view the decals that are provided by the MCMUA.
Most gift wrap paper is recyclable and one must not forget about all the corrugated and bottles that are produced during the holidays. Special attention must also be paid to recycling electronics and batteries Click here to view some of the MCMUA's tips on holiday recycling.
Click here for information regarding management of paint, including latex paint.
Click here for information regarding management of electronics (E-waste).
Click here for information regarding management of appliances and freon or CFCs.
Click here for information regarding the disposal of smoke detectors.
Purchase compost and/or mulch delivery by credit card by clcking the button below. First purchase the deliveries by credit card
and then we will contact you to schedule, coordinate and confirm your delivery.
Compost/Mulch Payment by Credit Card
Double-Ground Wood Mulch (for landscaping around trees and shrubs)
Screened Compost (decomposed leaves and grass; soil amendment for lawns, vegetable gardens and flower beds)
Unscreened Compost (impurities such as rocks and trash are not screened out from the decomposed leaves and grass; soil amendment for lawns, vegetable gardens and flower beds)
A. Deliveries of double-ground wood mulch and screened compost are delivered by truck to residential and commercial locations with paved surfaces on which to dump the material. Delivery is available to Morris County and its surrounding counties. Call to see if we can deliver to your location. Additionally,the drop off site must ensure that no overhead obstructions are over the drop off area as the truck's back will need to be raised to off load the material.
A. Unfortunately, we cannot guarantee any specific delivery time. Our drivers arrange their own
delivery schedules, and many variables affect the day's deliveries, including traffic, weather, and
the locations of that day's deliveries. We may indicate that someone prefers an a.m. or p.m. delivery, but we
cannot guarantee morning or afternoon delivery. Deliveries may be performed anytime between
6:30AM and 5:30PM.
Compost/Mulch Payment by Credit Card
While we are not delivering in the winter months, seasonally, to place an order for home delivery please you would call
either the dedicated compost delivery appointment
line at (973) 285-8389 or main office line (973) 285-8383 to place your order and appointment.
A. Payments are made either by day-of-delivery check or prepaid through our online payment portal via credit card.
When paying by check a customer will leave a check for the full amount in a location at the exterior of your home that is accessible to the driver. Typically, the check is taped to the front door or garage where the material is dumped but the location will be discussed when you place your order. If a check for the full amount is not left on the day of delivery, the material will not be dumped.
When paying by credit card a customer will first pay for their delivery through our online payment portal. An MUA representative will follow up with phone call to arrange your delivery date and an e-mail receipt will be sent for proof of payment.
A. Yes, you will be called prior to your delivery date. However, please mark your calendar and note the delivery date scheduled so you do not forget to do the following:
1) Put out a tarp, sign, or marker designating the delivery dump site.
2) Leave your check for payment at the location designated at the time the delivery appointment was scheduled if paying by check.
The reasons compost or mulch are not left on scheduled days are because the driver cannot determine where to dump the load, the driver does not have proper access to a driveway or dumping location, and/or there was no check left for payment.
Once material has been delivered it cannot be removed from the property. If you are not satisfield with the product delivered, please call the MCMUA customer service at 973-285-8385 within one day after delivery.
Orders can be canceled up to 48 hours in advance. Please note that if you do not cancel an order and a driver shows at your residence, you will be billed for the full amount of the material ordered.
A. No. If you need to change or cancel an order, you must call the MCMUA and speak directly with a representative. We cannot accept responsibility for any messages left on the MCMUA's voice mail system. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.
A. Screened compost consists of leaves that break down (decompose) over a period of months. After autumn leaves are deposited at our recycling facilities, they are turned weekly and are broken down by April/May into a black, crumbly soil amendment known as compost. The material is then screened in a large screener, and bulky materials including large sticks, twigs, etc., are removed and a finer, finished compost is produced.
A. Compost helps plants grow better, improves soil structure, helps the soil retain water, helps release plant nutrients and adds vital organic matter to the soil.
A. Double-ground wood mulch consists of tree parts, branches, brush and wood chips. Brush and tree parts are processed once and then mixed with wood chips for a second grind resulting in a more finely ground mulch.
A. Wood mulch is used around trees, shrubs, landscape plants, and flower beds to help reduce weeds, conserve moisture and enhance the natural beauty of the landscape. Wood mulch breaks down slowly and adds organic matter to the soil. Generally, a mulch layer of two to four inches will reduce weeds, conserve moisture, and increase the attractiveness around shrubs and trees. When mulching around trees, remember to keep mulch approximately six inches from the trees trunk.
Parsippany Vegetative Waste Recycling Facility |
Mount Olive Vegetative Waste Recycling Facility |
Unscreened Compost |
Unscreened Compost |
Wood Mulch |
Wood Mulch |
A. Our Parsippany facility is behind the Morris County Public Safety Training Academy at 500 West Hanover Avenue, Parsippany 07054. Click here for directions.
Our Mount Olive facility is off Waterloo Valley Road in the International Trade Zone in Mount Olive. Click here for directions.
The MCMUA makes available on a first-come / first-served basis unscreened compost and double ground wood mulch for Morris County residents free of charge from piles located at the entrance of each site. Morris County residents may take FREE of charge a maximum of 2 Cubic Yards of each product per household. Both locations are under video surveillance to minimize abuse of these piles and prevent illegal dumping. Commercial entities are not permitted to take any of the FREE material as it is exclusively put out for residentially pick up only.
This FREE pickup of material is provided by the MCMUA as a community service so please respect our facilities and others when loading your material. Please note that active screening of compost at the pickup area is not permitted. Additionally, there is no residential drop off (dumping) of materials allowed at the sites whatsoever. Those that violate this rule and illegally dump on our facilities will no longer be permitted on site for future pickup of any materials and may be subject to enforcement actions.
Customers seeking larger quantities, The MCMUA sells and delivers truckload quantities of screened and unscreened compost and double ground wood mulch on year-round basis. Landscaping products can be delivered in quantities of 5 and 10 cubic yard increments for each product and pricing for each can be found here for these delivery quantities.
Commercial businesses are NOT permitted to take material from the piles of wood mulch or unscreened compost at either site. Click here for information about purchasing compost and mulch in bulk by businesses.
The MCMUA vegetative waste recycling facilities are not open to the general public for the recycling of leaves, grass, brush, or wood chips. They are open only to pre-approved contractors and municipalities. Please DO NOT enter these facilities. Heavy equipment operates daily and objects that enter a grinder, screener or compost windrow turner can be ejected with tremendous force over long distances. If you have a question, comment, or concern, call 973-631-5109. PLEASE DO NOT ENTER THESE FACILITIES UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES WHATSOEVER.
The MCMUA does not sell water directly to individual residents, but wholesales it to other water purveyors. Anyone who has a question regarding his/her individual water bill should contact the company listed on the bill or the municipality where he/she resides.
The Southeast Morris County Municipal Utilities Authority (SMCMUA) is different from and is not associated with the MCMUA. The SMCMUA provides drinking water directly to customers in Morristown, Morris Township, Morris Plains and Hanover Township with some service in Mendham Township and Harding Township. Anyone who has questions about an SMCMUA-issued water bill may call SMCMUA customer service at 973-326-6880 or visit