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  Morris County
  Municipal Utilties Authority

Drought Warning in Effect as of 11/13/2024

Click here to read about drought conditions.

Transfer Station Info (Tip Fee $111.25/ton)

  • Mt. Olive Mon-Fri 7:30am-3pm; Sat 7:30am-11am
  • Parsippany Mon-Fri 7am-3pm; Sat 7:30am-11am
  • Closed Thanksgiving, Open Fri. 11/29
  • Closed Sundays and Major Holidays
  • No Rental Trucks
  • Payment by Account, Check, Credit Card. No Cash

Facility Information

Green Vision Logo at Allegro

Green Vision Inc.
8 Emery Ave
Randolph,  NJ   07869
Tel: 973-998-7955   Fax: 973-998-7955
Town: Randolph Township
  • Hours: Hours of Operation : 7:00- 3:00 M-F
  • Notes: Basically take anything that has a plug or takes batteries except for: TV's and anything containing freon. This program is a training and work place for students and adults with autism. It combines the great need of job placement for people with developmental disabilities and the demand for electronics recycling and "going Green." We are a zero landfill program and all of our materials are either handled in the tri-state area or shipped to a federally recognized facility in South Korea. We track and make sure the materials are handled responsibly.
  • Capacity: Pick ups are available for large loads
  • Limitations: Please contact prior to drop off.
    There is no cost except for monitors.
    Will not accept TVs larger than 32" or anything with freon in it.
  • Facility Type: Non-Regulated Drop-Off Location
  • Permit No.: Universal Waste Small Quantity Handler


Acceptable Material - Recycling

E-Waste - Computers, TVs, etc. (Recycling) Will accept anything that plugs in or has batteries in it except for TVs over 32" and anything with freon in it.  Transportation is available.
Metal Appliances (Recycling) No appliances with freon accepted. The will accept vacuums with dust bags or cans emptied.  Transportation is available.