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  Morris County
  Municipal Utilties Authority

Transfer Station Info (Tip Fee $115.00/ton)

  • Mt. Olive Mon-Fri 7:30am-3pm; Sat 7:30am-11am
  • Parsippany Mon-Fri 7am-3pm; Sat 7:30am-11am
  • Closed Sundays and Major Holidays
  • No Rental Trucks
  • Payment by Account, Check, Credit Card. No Cash
Image of recycling buckets in class room

Helping Schools

The MCMUA helps schools with a variety of services and solutions. Use this page to find answers to common questions about recycling in schools.


Image of Sustainable NJ School Solid Waste Items

Sustainable Jersey for Schools

Sustainable Jersey for Schools is a certification program for New Jersey public schools that want to go green, conserve resources and take steps to create a brighter future, one school at a time.

Let the MCMUA help you learn about and obtain your waste management and recycling points as part of Sustainable Jersey for Schools. If your school is in Morris County and you would like assistance with a waste audit or recycling assessment, we may be able to assist you. Please contact Chris Vidal, (973/631-5185) for more information.

Additional Information for Schools

Environmental Education News Library is a service that provides new resources, programs, events, trainings, grants and other initiativesis and the library administered by the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection.

Below is presentation prepared in 2010 by the MCMUA showing some "best practices" for schools to consider while planning and implementing their recycling programs.

The presentation uses uses a plugin to embed the presentation into this webpage. If the presentation is not visible, you can click here to download it (2010 Recycling in Schools -

Image of RBRC How To Recycle Batteries Poster What About Batteries? - Call2Recycle?? will provide free-of-charge drop-off boxes to any non-residential entity for the collection and recycling of their own rechargeable batteries. This means schools.  All one has to do is sign up online at  Schools can participate in the Call2Recycle?? program without being advertised as a public drop-off location if they do not want to listed as such.  Since everything is free of charge, the MCMUA is encouraging every school, business and/or public agency to request a drop-off box for its office or work site. Click here for more information about the proper management of all batteries types, not just rechargeables.