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  Morris County
  Municipal Utilties Authority

Florham Park recycling pickup is moved back one day to Fri., 2/7/2025 due to anticipated icy conditions on the regularly scheduled Thurs., 2/6/2025 pickup

Transfer Station Info (Tip Fee $115.00/ton)

  • Mt. Olive Mon-Fri 7:30am-3pm; Sat 7:30am-11am
  • Parsippany Mon-Fri 7am-3pm; Sat 7:30am-11am
  • Closed Sundays and Major Holidays
  • No Rental Trucks
  • Payment by Account, Check, Credit Card. No Cash
Image of tonnage recycling reports

2012 Recycling Tonnage Reports

Provided below are 2012 recycling tonnage reports provided by individual recycling markets as well as the MCMUA. These reports are useful for municipal recycling coordinators while completing their annual recycling tonnage reporting forms.

If you have question on this material please contact Liz Sweedy at (973) 285-8393 or by email at In addition, feel free to call any of the businesses directly. The telephone numbers for the businesses are listed on their cover letters.

2012 Recycling Tax ($3/ton) Paid By Towns in Tipping Fees (PDF File) - This report lists the $3/ton recycling tax collected by the MCMUA in 2012 on the solid waste accepted for disposal at the MCMUA transfer stations. This money was then sent to the Treasurer of the State of New Jersey in accordance with the Recycling Enhancement Act. The report only provides information for those towns that pay the tip fee directly to the MCMUA using their municipal accounts. If a hauler is paying the disposal tip fees directly, then you will have to get this recycling tax collected from each respective hauler. You can use this report to fill out the certification in the municipal recycling tonnage grant process that requires each town to certify the amount of money paid as part of the $3/tax.

Notes:It is suggested that you look through each report in its entirety to make sure that you have all of the tonnage generated in your municipality.  Be sure to check under all possible names and be aware that some reports from some markets may be sorted by common location names (i.e. Flanders, Whippany, Stirling, etc.) and/or zip codes and not the official names of the municipality (i.e. Mount Olive, Hanover, Long Hill).

Morris County Municipal Utilities Authority ("MCMUA") Recycling Facilities and Operations

  1. (added 3/8/13) MCMUA 2012 Recycling Report for MCMUA Recycling Collection

    The first report shows a summary of tonnage collected by the MCMUA. The second version of this report shows tonnage by recycling generator in each town. Just print out the pages that are applicable to your municipality.

    The summary reports were distributed to Morris County municipal recycling coordinators at the March 5, 2013 meeting. If you were not in attendance, the reports were mailed on March 6, 2013. On April 10, 2013 additional information with regard to material (abbreviations and category codes) was posted and provided below.

    (Updated April 10, 2013) Listed below are the abbreviations and the entire name or description of each material used in these reports.

    • BAL - Ballasts
    • BSW - Boat Shrink Wrap
    • BUL - Fluorescent Bulbs
    • CMG* - Commingled Containers
    • COR - Corrugated Cardboard
    • MIX* - Mixed Paper
    • NWP - Newspaper
    • RGP - Rigid Plastic
    • SCR - Scrap Metal
    • SSR* - Single-Stream Recyclables
    • SHP - Shredded Paper
    MIX (Mixed Paper) includes
    Material (NJDEP Code) Percent
    Cardboard (01) 21.42%
    Other paper* (04) 65.15%
    Residue & moisture
    CMG (Commingled) includes:
    Material (NJDEP Code) Percent
    Glass (05) 57.95%
    Aluminum (06) 2.41%
    Steel (07) 6.90%
    Plastic (08) 18.46%
    Rigid plastic (26) 1.19%
    Aseptic packaging (04) 0.12%
    Scrap Metal (09) 0.63%
    Residue & moisture
    Single-Stream includes
    Material (NJDEP Code) Percent
    Cardboard (01) 14.65%
    Other paper* (04) 39.09%
    Glass (05) 23.18%
    Aluminum (06) 0.96%
    Steel (07) 2.76%
    Plastic (08) 7.39%
    Rigid plastic (26) 0.48%
    Aseptic packaging (04) 0.05%
    Scrap Metal (09) 0.25%
    Residue & moisture 11.19%

    Note: *Other paper includes newspaper and miscellaneous paper.

  2. (added 4/18/13) MCMUA 2012 Tire Recycling by Town - This report shows tires that were collected by the Morris County Mosquito Extermination Commission (these tires had been illegally dumped in a variety of municipalities) and/or accepted from individuals at the MCMUA's Parsippany transfer station.  All tires accepted at the transfer stations were shipped to and recycled at Casings, Inc., Hillsboro, NJ.
  3. (added 2/24/13) MCMUA 2012 Recycling by the Vegetative Waste Recycling/Compost Facilities - (PDF File) - This report shows the vegetative waste recycled at the MCMUA's two vegetative waste recycling/compost facilities located in Mount Olive and Parsippany-Troy Hills Townships.  Lake weed listed in the report can be reported as grass for recycling tonnage grant purposes.
  4. (added 3/4/13) MCMUA 2012 Recycling by the Household Hazardous Waste Programs - (PDF File) - This report shows the materials recycled as part of the MCMUA's household hazardous waste program both from the permanent facility as well as the individual disposal days.  This does not include bulbs and batteries accepted as universal wastes at the MCMUA's Recycling Consolidations Center.  Those figures are included in the first report for the Recycling Consolidations Center.
  5. (added 3/6/13) MCMUA 2012 Scrap Metal Recycling By Town - In previous years the MCMUA recovered and recycled small amounts of metal from solid waste dumped at the Mount Olive transfer station for disposal. In 2012 there was no metal recovery tonnage from the Mount Olive transfer station and there is no tonnage report to provide for this activity for 2012.

Reports Provided Only to MCMUA from Non-MCMUA Recycling Facilities

The tonnage reports below are provided by markets directly to the MCMUA. Municipalities are unlikely to have been sent these reports directly from the market and should include the tonnages from these recycling market reports in their own municipal reports.

Reports Previously Provided to Towns from Non-MCMUA Recycling Facilities

The tonnage reports below are provided by markets directly to municipalities, though the MCMUA has obtained a county-wide version of these reports. Municipalities are likely to have been sent these reports directly from the market and may have already included the tonnages from these recycling market reports in their own municipal reports. If this is the case, the reports are duplicates of the information towns already have.