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  Morris County
  Municipal Utilties Authority

Transfer Station Info (Tip Fee $115.00/ton)

  • Mt. Olive Mon-Fri 7:30am-3pm; Sat 7:30am-11am
  • Parsippany Mon-Fri 7am-3pm; Sat 7:30am-11am
  • Closed Sundays and Major Holidays
  • No Rental Trucks
  • Payment by Account, Check, Credit Card. No Cash

Rockaway Township Solid Waste Information

Rockaway Township
65 Mount Hope Road
Rockaway,  NJ   07866
Tel: (973) 983-2868   Fax: (973) 627-1081

Contacts From Rockaway Township

  • Sheri L. Robinson, Program Support Specialist, Contracting Officer Representative (COR)
    Picatinny Arsenal,
    IMCOM-DPW, AMIM-PIP-O Main Road, Building 3002
    USAG Picatinny Arsenal,  NJ   07806
    Tel: (973) 724-2120   Fax: (973) 724-4354

Solid Waste Services In Rockaway Township

Curbside Garbage Collection

  • Program Description: Township does not provide for curbise garbage collection. Residents must contact a private garbage hauler for collection service. Contact the Township at 973-983-2891 for more information.
  • Schedule: Garbage collection is dependent upon the hauler used, please contact your hauler.
  • Service Provider: Private Hauler(s), , 


Material Accepted


Curbside Recycling Collection

  • Program Description: Rockaway Township provides single-stream, all-in-one residential curbside recycling collection.
    • Use only reusable metal or plastic containers
    • Maximum weight of containers is 50 pounds
    • Use multiple containers if needed
    • Containers must be out by 6:00am on your scheduled pickup day
    • Do not use paper or plastic bags

    Note: Boulder at Rockaway residents should continue to place recyclables in the enclosed recycling/trash areas.

  • Schedule: 


    Collection is biweekly; Route A is Monday, Route B is Tuesday, Route C is Wednesday and Route D is Thursday and Route E is Friday and Route F is Monday.

    If recyclables are missed or the scheduled route was not completed that day, please call the Rockaway Township public works department at 973-983-2891 on the same day or leave a message after 5pm for a return call.

    When there is inclement weather and the Rockaway Township schools are closed, recyclables will be rescheduled for collection. Review the Township website for rescheduled information.

  • Service Provider: Rockaway Township, 65 Mt. Hope Road, 
    Rockaway,  NJ   07866
    Tel: 973-983-2891   Fax: 973-983-2896

Material Accepted

Aluminum Containers (Recycling - Single Stream - Generic) Rinse thoroughly (no residue allowed) and commingle with recyclables.

Brown Paper Bags (Recycling - Single Stream - Generic) Commingle with other recyclables.

Chipboard/Paperboard (Recycling - Single Stream - Generic) Commingle with other recyclables. Flatten all boxes. Include beverage carriers, cereal, pasta and facial tissue boxes, paper towel rolls.

Corrugated Cardboard (Recycling - Single Stream - Generic) Flatten and mix with other recyclables, and do not bundle or tie.

Glass Containers (Recycling - Single Stream - Generic) Remove lids, rinse. All colors accepted together. Commingle with container mix. Place metal lids in same container.

Mixed Office Paper (Recycling - Single Stream - Generic) Remove lids, rinse the glass and commingle with recyclables. Put metal lids into container; do not put metal lids back onto glass bottles and jars.

Newspaper (Recycling - Single Stream - Generic) Mix with other recyclables, and do not tie or bundle.

Plastic #1 (PETE) Bottles (Recycling - Single Stream - Generic) Empty, rinse and commingle with recyclable mix. Do not put caps/lids back onto bottles. Put caps/lids into the garbage.

Plastic #1 (PETE) Food/Bev. Containers (Recycling - Single Stream - Generic) Empty, rinse and commingle with recyclable mix. Do not put caps/lids back onto containers. Put caps/lids into the garbage.

Plastic #2 (HDPE) Bottles (Recycling - Single Stream - Generic) Empty, rinse and commingle with recyclable mix. Do not put caps/lids back onto bottles. Put caps/lids into the garbage.

Plastic #2 (HDPE) Food/Bev. Containers (Recycling - Single Stream - Generic) Empty, rinse and commingle with recyclable mix. Do not put caps/lids back onto containers. Put caps/lids into the garbage.

Plastic #5 (PP) Food/Bev. Containers (Recycling - Single Stream - Generic) Empty, rinse and commingle with recyclable mix. Do not put caps/lids back onto containers. Put caps/lids into the garbage.

Shredded Paper (Recycling - Single Stream - Generic) If recycling shredded paper with in the MCMUA's "all-in-one" single-stream recycling collection program, the shredded paper must be put into a translucent or clear plastic bag and the bag must be tied closed.

Steel (Tin) Containers (Recycling - Single Stream - Generic) Empty, rinse and commingle with recyclables. Aerosol cans must be empty. Remove plastic cap/lids, and put them into the garbage.

Telephone Books (Recycling - Single Stream - Generic) Also include paperback or softcover books. Do not include hardcover books.


Curbside Yard Waste Collection

  • Program Description: 

    Seasonal curbside collection of vegetative waste. As per Rockaway Township code 4-1.10, no one shall deposit or blow leaves or any type of litter onto the street, curb, catch basin or any body of water. Yard Waste cannot be mixed with Garbage or Recycling.

  • Schedule: 

    Yard waste is collected collected Wednesday through Friday of each week APRIL THROUGH DECEMBER .

    Material should be out by 6am on designated collection day. See the Township website for schedule.

  • Service Provider: Waste Management of NJ (Lafayette), , 
    Lafayette,  NJ  
    Tel: 973-383-7480   WWW:

Material Accepted

Brush/Tree Parts (Recycling) Brush & Tree branches must be kept separate from leaves and grass Bundled and tied .NOT TO EXCEED 150 LBS. AND 4 FT. IN LENGTH , NO STUMPS , NO BRANCHES OVER 6 INCHES IN DIAMETER.

Christmas Trees (Recycling) Pick up will bedesignated weeks of JANUARY AND FEBRUARY out by 6 am Monday morning. If inclement weather prohibits collection because of snow burial, a complaint list will be formed. Review the Township website for schedule.

Grass Clippings (Recycling) Place in metal or plastic reusable container with lids labled "Grass." NOT TO EXCEED 50 LBS. PER CONTAINER. No boxes or any type of bag allowed.

Leaves (Recycling) Place in biodegradable paper compost bags or reusable containers only. Do not use any type of plastic bag and do not use bodegradeable plastic bags. They will not be accepted in placed in plastric bags. No stumps, brush or debris.


Curbside Bulky Waste Collection

  • Program Description: Weekly curbside bulky waste collection..
  • Schedule: Collected weekly every month. Place at curbside on your designated collection day. Call the Rockaway Township department of public works at 973-983-2891 or refer to the Township website for more information.

    Note: Point at Stoneview and Mount View Manor residents will have bulky items collected on Thursday of the third full week of the month.

  • Service Provider: Waste Management of NJ (Lafayette), , 
    Lafayette,  NJ  
    Tel: 973-383-7480   WWW:

Material Accepted

Type 13C Construction & Demo. Debris () Plywood, lumber etc. Must be bundled and tied in 4-foot lengths. Other materials accepted include sheetrock, old flooring. Must be manageable and no more than 150 pounds per household.

Freon (Chloro-FloroCarbon) (Recycling) Freon appliances will be collected at the end of the week. If your item is not picked up by Friday, call the Rockaway Township department of public works at 973-983-2991 with your name address and phone number.

Metal Appliances (Recycling) Household appliances (stoves, refridgerators, washers, dryers, etc.) Remove the doors. Metal fences, posts, hot water heaters, air conditioners, etc.


Municipal Recycling Depot(s) In Rockaway Township

Rockaway Twp. McVeigh Recycling Center (Municipal Recycling Depot)
65 Mount Hope Road
Rockaway,  NJ   07866
Tel: 973-983-2842  
  • Hours: Tues.-Fri. 7:00AM-5:00PM, Sat. 7:00AM-3:30PM, Closed Sundays and Mondays as well as on municipal holidays.
  • Notes: Located adjacent to the municipal building.
  • Limitations: This facility is open to Rockaway Township residents and small businesses only. Plastic bags and grass are not accepted at either Rockaway Township recycling center.
  • Facility Type: Municipal Recycling Depot


Rockaway Twp. Municipal Garage Recycling Center (Municipal Recycling Depot)
540 Green Pond Road
Rockaway,  NJ   07866
Tel: 973-983-2891  
  • Hours: Tues.-Fri. 7:00AM-5:00PM, Sat. 7:00AM-3:30PM, Closed Sundays and Mondays as well as on municipal holidays.
  • Limitations: 

    This facility is open to Rockaway Township residents and small businesses only. Plastic bags and grass are not accepted at either Rockaway Township recycling center.

    Rockaway Township does not accept brush over 4 inches in diameter, LOGS or STUMPS at any of it's recycling facility's. No commercial vehicles or landscapers are permitted to use any of the Rockaway Township recycling facilities.

  • Facility Type: Municipal Recycling Depot




Other Solid Waste Facilities In Rockaway Township

Best Buy

(Class "D" Recycling Facility (Special))
301 Mount Hope Ave.
Rockaway,  NJ   07866
Tel: 973-659-0911 x3  

TOMCO Construction, Inc.

(Exempted Solid Waste Facility)
212 Route 15 South
Rockaway,  NJ   Tel: 973-361-7755   Fax: 973-770-0411

Tilcon of New York, Inc.

(Exempted Solid Waste Facility)
625 Mt. Hope Road
Rockaway,  NJ   07885
Tel: 973-366-7741   Fax: 973-328-8490

Green Pond Corp.

(Exempted Solid Waste Facility)
1 Old Lane
Rockaway,  NJ   07435
Tel: 973-697-3736   Fax: 973-697-1869



Click below to view documents regarding Rockaway Township. Please contact Rockaway Township to verify any issues for which you are uncertain