Transfer Station Info (Tip Fee $115.00/ton)
- Mt. Olive Mon-Fri 7:30am-3pm; Sat 7:30am-11am
- Parsippany Mon-Fri 7am-3pm; Sat 7:30am-11am
- Closed Sundays and Major Holidays
- No Rental Trucks
- Payment by Account, Check, Credit Card. No Cash

Morris County
Municipal Utilties Authority
Transfer Station Info (Tip Fee $115.00/ton)
- Mt. Olive Mon-Fri 7:30am-3pm; Sat 7:30am-11am
- Parsippany Mon-Fri 7am-3pm; Sat 7:30am-11am
- Closed Sundays and Major Holidays
- No Rental Trucks
- Payment by Account, Check, Credit Card. No Cash
Randolph Township Solid Waste Information
502 Millbrook Ave
Randolph, NJ 07869-3799
Tel: (973) 989-7060 Fax: (973) 989-7076
Contacts From Randolph Township
- , Clean Communities Coordinator
Township of Randolph
502 Millbrook Avenue
Randolph, NJ 07869
Tel: (973) 989-7050 Fax: (973) 989-7076
- Kathy Heath, CRP, SRMP, Recycling Coordinator
Randolph Township
502 Millbrook Ave
Randolph, NJ 07869
Tel: (973) 989-7050 Fax: (973) 989-7076
Solid Waste Services In Randolph Township
Curbside Garbage Collection
- Program Description: The Township of Randolph provides residential curbside garbage collection once per week to all township streets with the exception of garden apartment complexes.
- Schedule: Collection routes and schedules vary depending upon your neighborhood. Click here to look up the routes on Randolph's website or contact the Health Department at 973.989.7050 for more information. If curbside pickup services are cancelled due to snow, makeup day is the next business day. Cancellation is determined by road conditions, extreme weather, etc.
Service Provider: Blue Diamond Disposal, Inc., 5 Howard Blvd.,
Mt. Arlington, NJ 07856
Tel: (973) 598-9800 Fax: (973) 598-9900
Material Accepted

Type 10 Municipal Solid Waste
(Disposal) Garbage should be placed at the curb by 6:00 a.m. on scheduled collection days, and no earlier than 9:00 p.m. the evening prior to the collection day. Do not put out trash before the day of the collection; it is unsightly and a potential health hazard. Additionally, empty garbage cans must be removed from the curb no later than sundown on collection day.Trash should be left in covered 32-gallon containers or heavy-duty plastic bags and not exceed 30 pounds each. Loose household items must be placed curbside in bags or cans (not recyclable cardboard boxes).You may put out one large household item on each garbage collection day i.e., couch, chair, mattress, box spring, paint cans (completely dried out and empty), or rolled and tied rug/carpet (approximately 110 sq. ft., no more than 4 feet long).
Items not collected with your trash include:
Auto parts - Car batteries, mufflers, engines, tires etc. Batteries and tires are accepted at the Recycling Center
All recyclables - You may take these items (listed on the recycling information page) to our Recycling Center or leave them out on designated days for curbside pickup of recyclables..
All building/construction materials - Building/construction materials are not collected and cannot be dropped off at any location in Randolph. Building materials include: sheet rock, lumber, cabinets, bricks, railroad ties, roofing materials, etc. Private arrangements must be made with your contractor or a private sanitation company for collection of any type of building material. Another option is to take them to the Mt. Olive Transfer Station, where you will be charged a disposal fee..
Items weighing over 200 pounds or longer than 5 feet - Too big! Too big!.
Electronic Waste - E-waste cannot be placed curbside with other household trash. E-waste refers to electronics such as televisions, computers, monitors, laptops, cell phones, tablets, fax machines, and printers. These items must be disposed of at the Recycling Center which has a special drop-off receptacle designated for e-waste. All other electronic waste can be disposed of in the regular trash.
Household hazardous waste - Certain types of household waste such as oil-based paints, stains and paint thinners, used oil, pool chemicals, herbicides/pesticides, propane tanks, gasoline, kerosene and asbestos under 100 pounds are considered potentially hazardous and these items cannot be placed curbside with other household trash. Hazardous materials pose a risk to refuse workers and are harmful to the environment.
Hazardous substances may be brought to the Mt. Olive Transfer Station on Gold Mine Road. In addition, the Morris County Municipal Utilities Authority (MCMUA) holds three events during the year for the disposal of household hazardous waste.
If you have questions about household hazardous waste disposal, call the MCMUA at (973) 631-5109. Note: there is a small fee to drop off some materials and payment is required by check, not cash or credit card. Check the MCMUA web site for details.
Grass clippings, branches and leaves - These items are treated as recyclables.
Large household appliances (white goods) Curbside collection of refrigerators, stoves and other major appliances is available year-round by advance arrangement. To have one or more of these items removed, all you need to do is call the Health Department at 973.989.7050. There is a fee of $30.00 per item.
Curbside Recycling Collection
Program Description: Newspapers bundled and tied. Mixed paper commingled. All bottles and cans commingled (plastic #1 & #2, & #5, glass, aluminum and steel) Cans and/or bundles not to exceed 50 pounds for ALL accepted materials.
Recyclables left for curbside collection must be placed in metal or plastic containers only. Attendants will not pick up items left out in cardboard boxes or plastic bags.
Container, size and weight limitations apply-32 gallon volume and 50 lbs. Decals for your recycling container may also be obtained from the Department of Health.
Please select your street in the drop down menu below to determine your route # and collection day.
Curbside collection of both trash and recyclables is provided to all town streets with the exception of garden apartment complexes. The curbside collection of both garbage and recyclables will take place on the same day of the week.
Trash and recyclables should be placed curbside by 6:00 a.m. on your scheduled collection day to ensure pickup.
Click here to look up the routes on Randolph's website or contact the Health Department at 973.989.7050 for more information.
If curbside pickup services are cancelled due to snow, makeup day is the next business day, weather permitting Cancellation occurs when the Randolph Township schools are closed. Recyclables left for curbside collection must be placed in metal or plastic containers only. Attendants will not pick up items left out in cardboard boxes or plastic bags.
Service Provider: Blue Diamond Disposal, Inc., 5 Howard Blvd.,
Mt. Arlington, NJ 07856
Tel: (973) 598-9800 Fax: (973) 598-9900
Material Accepted

Aluminum Containers
(Recycling - Commingled Bottles and Cans) Remove lids and rinse clean. No paint/aerosol cans, pie plates or aluminum foil. Okay to co-mingle with glass and plastic.
Glass Containers
(Recycling - Commingled Bottles and Cans) Clear, green/blue & brown beverage and food containers. No drinking glasses, ceramic dinnerware, crystal, light bulbs, plate, window glass, mirrors or lab (test tubes) glass. Remove caps and neck rings; rinse clean. Okay to co-mingle with plastic and cans.
Plastic #1 (PETE) Bottles
(Recycling - Commingled Bottles and Cans) Pourable plastic (mouth is smaller than the base) #1 containers only. Please, no motor oil or antifreeze bottles, any petroleum products, plastic bags, toys or trays. Remove caps, rinse clean and flatten. Okay to co-mingle with cans and glass
Plastic #1 (PETE) Food/Bev. Containers
(Recycling - Commingled Bottles and Cans) Pourable plastic #1 acontainers only. Please, no motor oil or antifreeze bottles, any petroleum products, plastic bags, toys or trays. Remove caps, rinse clean and flatten. Okay to co-mingle with cans and glass
Plastic #2 (HDPE) Bottles
(Recycling - Commingled Bottles and Cans) Pourable plastic (mouth is smaller than the base) #2 containers only. Please, no motor oil or antifreeze bottles, any petroleum products, plastic bags, toys or trays. Remove caps, rinse clean and flatten. Okay to co-mingle with cans and glass.
Plastic #2 (HDPE) Food/Bev. Containers
(Recycling - Commingled Bottles and Cans) Pourable plastic #2 containers only. Please, no motor oil or antifreeze bottles, any petroleum products, plastic bags, toys or trays. Remove caps, rinse clean and flatten. Okay to co-mingle with cans and glass
Plastic #5 (PP) Food/Bev. Containers
(Recycling - Commingled Bottles and Cans) Pourable plastic #5 containers only. Please, no motor oil or antifreeze bottles, any petroleum products, plastic bags, toys or trays. Remove caps, rinse clean and flatten. Okay to co-mingle with cans and glass.
Polyboard/Drink Boxes
(Recycling - Commingled Bottles and Cans) Empty and mix with other recyclables.
Steel (Tin) Containers
(Recycling - Commingled Bottles and Cans) Remove lids and rinse clean. No paint/aerosol cans, pie plates or aluminum foil. Okay to commingle with glass and plastic.
Mixed Office Paper
(Recycling - Commingled Paper) Commingle newspapers, junk mail, telephone directories, catalogs, wrapping paper, magazines, books. We also accept computer paper, envelopes and card stock.Place in recycling container or doubled brown bags and cross-tie (tying is preferred but not required) with cord (no tape or metal wire); okay to include chipboard and brown bags. Secure mixed paper appropriately; you are responsible for retrieving loose paper. Do not use plastic bags, wire or tape to secure mixed paper. Maximum container/bundle weight: 50 lbs.

(Recycling - Commingled Paper) Commingle newspapers, junk mail, telephone directories, catalogs, wrapping paper, magazines, books. We also accept computer paper, envelopes and card stock.Place in recycling container or doubled brown bags and cross-tie (tying is preferred but not required) with cord (no tape or metal wire); okay to include chipboard and brown bags. Secure mixed paper appropriately; you are responsible for retrieving loose paper. Do not use plastic bags, wire or tape to secure mixed paper. Maximum container/bundle weight: 50 lbs.

Other Paper/Mag./JunkMail
(Recycling - Commingled Paper) Commingle newspapers, junk mail, telephone directories, catalogs, wrapping paper, magazines, books. We also accept computer paper, envelopes and card stock.Place in recycling container or doubled brown bags and cross-tie (tying is preferred but not required) with cord (no tape or metal wire); okay to include chipboard and brown bags. Secure mixed paper appropriately; you are responsible for retrieving loose paper. Do not use plastic bags, wire or tape to secure mixed paper. Maximum container/bundle weight: 50 lbs.

Corrugated Cardboard
(Recycling) All corrugated paper materials, chipboard (cereal boxes, pizza boxes, gift boxes…no waxed chipboard, as in orange juice cartons). Flatten, bundle and tie securely with cord (no tape or metal wire). Maximum bundle weight: 50 lbs.
Curbside Yard Waste Collection
- Program Description: Curbside collection of vegetative waste.
- Schedule: This collection is available seasonally. Check with town for schedule.
Service Provider: Randolph Township, 502 Millbrook Ave.,
Randolph, NJ 07869-3799
Tel: (973) 989-7100 Fax: (973) 989-7076
Material Accepted

Brush/Tree Parts
(Recycling) Maximun acceptable branch size is 4 feet in length by 3 inches diameter. Dates are published in the Randolph Reporter and on the web site.
Christmas Trees
(Recycling) The trees must be bare, with no stands, ornaments, lights, tinsel, etc. The collected trees will be chipped and the chips will be available at the Recycling Center for use in next year's gardens.Christmas trees must be out at the curb. Check the web site for collection start date.
Trees put out later than this date WILL NOT be picked up by the township. However, Christmas trees will be accepted anytime during normal working hours at the recycling center on Sussex Turnpike.

(Recycling) Fall curbside collection, per Dept. Public Works schedule.
Curbside Bulky Waste Collection
- Program Description: Collected curbside by appointment only. Call 973-989-7050. Items eligible for pick-up include televisions, mattresses/boxsprings, household furniture, rugs (rolled & tied in 4 foot lengths). Building materials, car parts, recyclables, white goods (large appliances) and yard waste will NOT be collected during bulk weeks.
- Schedule: Spring and fall bulk weeks (time to tackle your basement? attic? kid's rooms?) are scheduled twice yearly--exact dates are published in the Randolph Reporter. Spring bulk week is usually conducted in May; fall bulk week in October. Please have all of the items you would like picked up out at your curbside by 6AM on the designated Monday regardless of your normal trash collection day. The collectors will only come through your neighborhood once!
Service Provider: Randolph Township, 502 Millbrook Ave.,
Randolph, NJ 07869-3799
Tel: (973) 989-7100 Fax: (973) 989-7076
Material Accepted

E-Waste - Computers, TVs, etc.
(Recycling) Large household TVs curbside collection is available year-round by advance arrangement. To have one or more of these items removed, all you need to do is call the Health Department at 973.989.7050. There is a fee of $30.00 per item.
Metal Appliances
(Recycling) Large household appliances (stoves, refrigerators, washers, dryers, large TVs, dishwashers, etc.). Curbside collection is available year-round by advance arrangement. To have one or more of these items removed, all you need to do is call the Health Department at 973.989.7050. There is a fee of $30.00 per item.
Scrap Metal
(Recycling) Large scrap metal curbside collection is available year-round by advance arrangement. To have one or more of these items removed, all you need to do is call the Health Department at 973.989.7050. There is a fee of $30.00 per item.
Municipal Recycling Depot(s) In Randolph Township

1345 Sussex Turnpike
Randolph, NJ 07069
Tel: 973.989.7050
Updated November 9, 2011: As a result of the October 2011 snowstorm and its aftermath, the center will temporarily be open Mondays and Tuesdays from 7:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.
Wednesday through Friday: 7:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. Saturday: 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Sunday: 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. (closed on holidays and during inclement weather)
- Notes: Located at the intersection of Morris and Sussex Turnpikes.
The Center accepts materials from Randolph Residents ONLY. Residency stickers are required for all vehicles entering the Center. These stickers are free and good for as long as you own your vehicle. Residents can obtain separate permits for each vehicle. Stickers are issued at the Recycling Center (stop by the office) or at the Dept. of Health in the Municipal Office Building. Bring proof of residency (driver's license ok) when you come. Please drive slowly...many of our children help with recyling chores.
Prohibited Materials
Items not accepted at the Recycling Center.
- asbestos
- automobile fluids
- button batteries
- construction materials
- driveway sealer/tar
- gasoline
- herbicides
- insulation
- kerosene
- oil-based paints/stains
- pesticides
- plastic bags
- pool chemicals
- propane tanks
- siding
- smoke detectors
- Facility Type: Municipal Recycling Depot
- Permit No.: NA
- Block and Lot: Block 86; Lots 73 and 74
Other Solid Waste Facilities In Randolph Township
(Office / Administration)
370 Richard Mine Road
Tel: (973) 285-8390
Fax: (973) 285-8397
(Non-Regulated Drop-Off Location)
8 Emery Ave
Tel: 973-998-7955
Fax: 973-998-7955
(Class "D" Recycling Facility (Special))
220 Franklin Road, Unit H
Tel: (877) 257-7658
Fax: (877) 257-7658

(Exempted Solid Waste Facility)
1376 Sussex Turnpike
Tel: 973-277-8124
Click below to view documents regarding Randolph Township.
Please contact Randolph Township to verify any issues for which you are
- Municipal Recycling Ordinance (URL Internnet Link) - Online source of document