Transfer Station Info (Tip Fee $115.00/ton)
- Mt. Olive Mon-Fri 7:30am-3pm; Sat 7:30am-11am
- Parsippany Mon-Fri 7am-3pm; Sat 7:30am-11am
- Closed Sundays and Major Holidays
- No Rental Trucks
- Payment by Account, Check, Credit Card. No Cash

Morris County
Municipal Utilties Authority
Transfer Station Info (Tip Fee $115.00/ton)
- Mt. Olive Mon-Fri 7:30am-3pm; Sat 7:30am-11am
- Parsippany Mon-Fri 7am-3pm; Sat 7:30am-11am
- Closed Sundays and Major Holidays
- No Rental Trucks
- Payment by Account, Check, Credit Card. No Cash
Dover (Town of) Solid Waste Information
37 No Sussex St
Dover, NJ 07801-0798
Tel: (973) 366-2200 Fax: (973) 328-6604
Contacts From Dover (Town of)
- Donald Costanzo, Clean Communities Coordinator
Town of Dover
37 N. Sussex St.
Dover, NJ 07801
Tel: (973) 366-2200 Fax: (973) 366-6167
- William Isselin, CRP, Asst. Engineer / Chief Code Enf. Officer / Mun. Recycling Coordinator
Dover (Town of)
Office: 100 Princeton Ave. Mail: 37 North Sussex Street Dover, NJ 07801
Dover, NJ 07801
Tel: (973) 366-2200 x2152 Fax: (973) 366-0039
Solid Waste Services In Dover (Town of)
Curbside Garbage Collection
- Program Description: The town provides residential garbage collection. The contracted hauler pays for the tipping fees the disposal facility.
- Schedule: Residential collection is provided twice a week in three collection districts. Contact the town for more information.
Service Provider: Blue Diamond Disposal, Inc., 5 Howard Blvd.,
Mt. Arlington, NJ 07856
Tel: (973) 598-9800 Fax: (973) 598-9900
Material Accepted

Type 10 Municipal Solid Waste
(Disposal) Allowed 2 bags per collection. Additional Bags require a $2.50 sticker. 30 pound maximum per container/bag.
Curbside Recycling Collection
- Program Description: Dover contracts for single-stream, all-in-one residential curbside recycling. Maximum weight of curbside recycling container is 30 pounds; use multiple containers if needed.
- Schedule: Every other Friday according to the schedule.
Service Provider: Blue Diamond Disposal, Inc., 5 Howard Blvd.,
Mt. Arlington, NJ 07856
Tel: (973) 598-9800 Fax: (973) 598-9900
Material Accepted

Aluminum Containers
(Recycling - Single Stream - Generic) Rinse thoroughly (no residue allowed) and commingle with recyclables.
Aluminum Pie Plates, Trays and Foil
(Recycling - Single Stream - Generic) Rinse thoroughly (no residue allowed) and commingle with recyclables.
Brown Paper Bags
(Recycling - Single Stream - Generic) Commingle with other recyclables.
(Recycling - Single Stream - Generic) Flatten and mix with other recyclables, and do not bundle or tie.
Corrugated Cardboard
(Recycling - Single Stream - Generic) Flattened and tied.
Glass Containers
(Recycling - Single Stream - Generic) Remove lids, rinse the glass and commingle with recyclables. Put metal lids into container; do not put metal lids back onto glass bottles and jars.
Mixed Office Paper
(Recycling - Single Stream - Generic) Mix with other recyclables.
(Recycling - Single Stream - Generic) Mix with other recyclables, and do not tie or bundle.
Other Paper/Mag./JunkMail
(Recycling - Single Stream - Generic) Mix with other recyclables.
Plastic #1 (PETE) Bottles
(Recycling - Single Stream - Generic) Empty, rinse and commingle with recyclable mix. Do not put caps/lids back onto bottles. Put caps/lids into the garbage.
Plastic #1 (PETE) Food/Bev. Containers
(Recycling - Single Stream - Generic) Empty, rinse and commingle with recyclable mix. Do not put caps/lids back onto containers. Put caps/lids into the garbage.
Plastic #2 (HDPE) Bottles
(Recycling - Single Stream - Generic) Empty, rinse and commingle with recyclable mix. Do not put caps/lids back onto bottles. Put caps/lids into the garbage.
Plastic #2 (HDPE) Food/Bev. Containers
(Recycling - Single Stream - Generic) Empty, rinse and commingle with recyclable mix. Do not put caps/lids back onto containers. Put caps/lids into the garbage.
Plastic #5 (PP) Food/Bev. Containers
(Recycling - Single Stream - Generic) Empty, rinse and commingle with recyclable mix. Do not put caps/lids back onto containers. Put caps/lids into the garbage.
Polyboard/Drink Boxes
(Recycling - Single Stream - Generic) Empty and mix with other recyclables.
Steel (Tin) Containers
(Recycling - Single Stream - Generic) Empty, rinse and commingle with recyclables. Aerosol cans must be empty. Remove plastic cap/lids, and put them into the garbage.
Telephone Books
(Recycling - Single Stream - Generic) Also include paperback or softcover books. Do not include hardcover books.
Shredded Paper
(Disposal) Shredded paper Is not accepted in the recycling containers. Shredded paper must be placed in the trash. Consider shredding paper at Town's annual shredding event that takes place on the first Saturday in May at the Recycling Center.
Curbside Yard Waste Collection
- Program Description: Curbside collection only. See Dover's website for recycling and solid waste newletter.
- Schedule: Brush, garden trimmings, leaves and grass and picked up daily, April -December as per the schedule.
Service Provider: Town of Dover, 37 North Sussex Street,
Dover, NJ 07801
Tel: 973-366-2200 Fax: 973-366-2225
Material Accepted

Brush/Tree Parts
(Recycling) This is for brush only, not tree parts. Brush shall be no larger than 4 inches in diameter and 6 feet long. Must be tied in bundles and stacked neatlly at the curb. Also includes garden trimmings which consists of vegetation, twigs, brush trimmings, small branches and small plants. For collection of graden trimmings use a re-usable container and place at the curb for pickup.
Christmas Trees
(Recycling) Collected curbside only in January. Remove all decorations and no tree bags or stands.
Grass Clippings
(Recycling) Bag grass in Town biodegradable paper bags or use re-usable containers and place at the curb for pickup.
(Recycling) Bag leaves in Town biodegradable paper bags or use re-usable containers and place at the curb for pickup.
Curbside Bulky Waste Collection
- Program Description: Weekly curbside white good collection. Sticker is required to be purchased at the Health Department prior to curbside collection.
- Schedule: Friday collections but white goods can also be delivered to the Recycling Center.
Service Provider: Town of Dover, 37 North Sussex Street,
Dover, NJ 07801
Tel: 973-366-2200 Fax: 973-366-2225
Material Accepted

Metal Appliances
(Recycling) Appliances - Refridgerators, stoves, washing machines, dryers, air conditioners and dishwashers. Can allso be delivered to recycling center. Sticker is required to be purchased at the Health Department prior to curbside collection.
Curbside Bulky Waste Collection
- Program Description: Curbside bulky waste collection. Sticker is required to be purchased at the Health Department prior to curbside collection.
- Schedule: On day of regular gabage pickup
Service Provider: Blue Diamond Disposal, Inc., 5 Howard Blvd.,
Mt. Arlington, NJ 07856
Tel: (973) 598-9800 Fax: (973) 598-9900
Material Accepted

Type 13 Bulky Solid Waste
Type 13C Construction & Demo. Debris
(Disposal) Small quantities only. 30 lbs. maximum. Sticker is required to be purchased at the Health Department prior to curbside collection.
Municipal Recycling Depot(s) In Dover (Town of)

211 North Sussex Street
Dover, NJ 07801
Tel: (973) 366-2200 Ext. 3129
- Hours: Tuesdays and Thursdays 8AM-12Noon, Saturdays 8AM-2PM
- Limitations: The facility is open to Dover residents and small businesses only. Construction material remains the responsibility of the homeowner. No garbage and/or vegetaive waste is accepted at the Recycling Center.
- Facility Type: Municipal Recycling Depot
Other Solid Waste Facilities In Dover (Town of)
(Class "D" Recycling Facility (Special))
530 Mt. Pleasant Ave.
Tel: 973-442-0101

(Recycling Market)
160 Richards Ave
Tel: 973-366-2716
Click below to view documents regarding Dover (Town of).
Please contact Dover (Town of) to verify any issues for which you are
- Municipal Recycling Ordinance (URL Internnet Link) - Online source of document