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  Morris County
  Municipal Utilties Authority

Transfer Station Info (Tip Fee $115.00/ton)

  • Mt. Olive Mon-Fri 7:30am-3pm; Sat 7:30am-11am
  • Parsippany Mon-Fri 7am-3pm; Sat 7:30am-11am
  • Closed Sundays and Major Holidays
  • No Rental Trucks
  • Payment by Account, Check, Credit Card. No Cash

Pequannock Township Solid Waste Information

Pequannock Township
530 Newark-Pompton Turnpike
Pompton Plains,  NJ   07444
Tel: (973) 835-5700   Fax: (973) 835-4328

Contacts From Pequannock Township

  • David Seugling, CRP, Clean Communities Coordinator
    Pequannock Township
    530 Newark-Pompton Turnpike
    Pompton Plains,  NJ   07444
    Tel: (973) 835-5700 x191   Fax: (973) 835-2472
  • David Seugling, CRP, Recycling Coordinator
    Pequannock Township
    530 Newark-Pompton Turnpike
    Pompton Plains,  NJ   07444
    Tel: (973) 835-5700 x191   Fax: (973) 835-2432

Solid Waste Services In Pequannock Township

Curbside Garbage Collection

  • Program Description: The town provides for residential garbage with bulky waste (on Fridays) only collection. Email to schedule a bulk pickup. If you are selling or cleaning out your home and has an excessive amount of debris, you must call a private hauler for disposal.
  • Schedule: Garbage collection is provided twice a week, Tuesday and Friday. ALL RECYCLABLE MATERIAL must be removed from garbage prior to collection. Garbage collection will not occur on New Year's Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day, Christmas Day and New Year's Eve, the next pickup will occur on the next scheduled pickup day.
  • Service Provider: Gaeta Recycling, 278 West Railway Ave., 
    Paterson,  NJ   07503
    Tel: 973-278-6625   Fax: 973-278-0162

Material Accepted

Type 10 Municipal Solid Waste (Disposal) All garbage shall be placed in a suitable watertight containerwithin five feet of the street in front of your premises. Containers shall not be placed out prior to 6:00P.M. on the evening before collection and must be removed no later than 6:00 P.M. on the day ofcollection. Collection times on any given day may change without notice.

Type 13 Bulky Solid Waste (Disposal) Large Household Items such as carpeting, furniture, and other oversized articles (except Metal Articles) can be placed at curbside with your regular garbage on any regulargarbage collection day. Carpeting must be tied in bundles not to exceed four feet in length. BuildingMaterial (such as fences, plumbing fixtures, roof shingles, siding, wood debris, plywood, sheet rock, etc.)and Automobile Parts are not collected as part of our solid waste or recycling programs. Residents whoneed to discard these types of materials must make private arrangements with their general contractorperforming the home improvement; contact a solid waste hauler; or, transport material to the MorrisCounty Transfer Station located at 1100 Edwards Road, Parsippany, NJ 07054. (The Township does notprovide pick-up services for these types of materials).


Curbside Recycling Collection

  • Program Description: Pequannock Township contracts for dual-stream, residential curbside recycling. Bottle ans cans are picked on on Tuesday and paper and cardboard are picked on on Friday mornings.
  • Schedule: Every Tuesday (bottles and cans) and Friday (paper) collection.
  • Service Provider: Gaeta Recycling, 278 West Railway Ave., 
    Paterson,  NJ   07503
    Tel: 973-278-6625   Fax: 973-278-0162

Material Accepted

Aluminum Containers (Recycling - Commingled Bottles and Cans) Rinse thoroughly (no residue allowed) and commingle with bottles and cans.

Glass Containers (Recycling - Commingled Bottles and Cans) Rinse thoroughly (no residue allowed) and commingle with bottles and cans.

Plastic #1 (PETE) Bottles (Recycling - Commingled Bottles and Cans) Rinse thoroughly (no residue allowed) and commingle with bottles and cans.

Plastic #2 (HDPE) Bottles (Recycling - Commingled Bottles and Cans) Rinse thoroughly (no residue allowed) and commingle with bottles and cans.

Polyboard/Drink Boxes (Recycling - Commingled Bottles and Cans) Rinse thoroughly (no residue allowed) and commingle with bottles and cans.

Steel (Tin) Containers (Recycling - Commingled Bottles and Cans) Rinse thoroughly (no residue allowed) and commingle with bottles and cans..

Brown Paper Bags (Recycling - Commingled Paper) Commingle with other paper recyclables

Chipboard/Paperboard (Recycling - Commingled Paper) Commingle with other paper recyclables Flatten all boxes. Include beverage carriers, cereal, pasta and facial tissue boxes, paper towel rolls.

Corrugated Cardboard (Recycling - Commingled Paper) Flatten and Commingle with other paper recyclables.

Newspaper (Recycling - Commingled Paper) Commingle with other paper recyclables

Telephone Books (Recycling - Commingled Paper) Commingle with other paper recyclables


Curbside Yard Waste Collection

  • Program Description: Curbside collection of vegetative waste.
  • Schedule: This collection is available Mondays from April 1 to December 31.
  • Service Provider: Blue Diamond Disposal, Inc., 5 Howard Blvd., 
    Mt. Arlington,  NJ   07856
    Tel: (973) 598-9800   Fax: (973) 598-9900

Material Accepted

Brush/Tree Parts (Recycling) Bundle and tie not to exceed 4 inches, 40 pounds or 4 feet in length.

Christmas Trees (Recycling) Curbside pick up is provided. Remove all decorations and no tree bags or stands.

Grass Clippings (Recycling) Place in either reusable container or biodegradable paper bags, not to exceed 40 pounds. Bags are available from food, home improvement and hardware stores. No plastic bags.

Leaves (Recycling) Place in either reusable container or biodegradable paper bags, not to exceed 40 pounds. Bags are available from food, home improvement and hardware stores. No plastic bags.


Curbside Bulky Waste Collection

  • Program Description: Curbside bulky waste collection. Please visit town website for instructions. Email to schedule a pickup. If you are selling or cleaning out your home and has an excessive amount of debris, you must call a private hauler for disposal.
  • Schedule: Bulky waste is collected on Fridays during garbage garbage collection. , ALL RECYCLABLE MATERIAL must be removed from garbage prior to collection.
  • Service Provider: Gaeta Recycling, 278 West Railway Ave., 
    Paterson,  NJ   07503
    Tel: 973-278-6625   Fax: 973-278-0162

Material Accepted

Type 13 Bulky Solid Waste (Disposal) Large Household Items such as carpeting, furniture, and other oversized articles (except Metal Articles) can be placed at curbside with your regular garbage on any regulargarbage collection day. Carpeting must be tied in bundles not to exceed four feet in length. BuildingMaterial (such as fences, plumbing fixtures, roof shingles, siding, wood debris, plywood, sheet rock, etc.)and Automobile Parts are not collected as part of our solid waste or recycling programs. Residents whoneed to discard these types of materials must make private arrangements with their general contractorperforming the home improvement; contact a solid waste hauler; or, transport material to the MorrisCounty Transfer Station located at 1100 Edwards Road, Parsippany, NJ 07054. (The Township does notprovide pick-up services for these types of materials).


Other Solid Waste Facilities In Pequannock Township



Click below to view documents regarding Pequannock Township. Please contact Pequannock Township to verify any issues for which you are uncertain