Transfer Station Info (Tip Fee $115.00/ton)
- Mt. Olive Mon-Fri 7:30am-3pm; Sat 7:30am-11am
- Parsippany Mon-Fri 7am-3pm; Sat 7:30am-11am
- Closed Sundays and Major Holidays
- No Rental Trucks
- Payment by Account, Check, Credit Card. No Cash

Morris County
Municipal Utilties Authority
Transfer Station Info (Tip Fee $115.00/ton)
- Mt. Olive Mon-Fri 7:30am-3pm; Sat 7:30am-11am
- Parsippany Mon-Fri 7am-3pm; Sat 7:30am-11am
- Closed Sundays and Major Holidays
- No Rental Trucks
- Payment by Account, Check, Credit Card. No Cash
Morris Township Solid Waste Information
50 Woodland Avenue Box 7603
Convent Station, NJ 07961-7603
Tel: (973) 326-7398 Fax: (973) 605-8363
Contacts From Morris Township
- Bill Foelsch, Clean Communities Coordinator
Morris Township
P.O. Box 7603
Convent Station, NJ 07961
Tel: (973) 326-7371 Fax: (973) 605-8363
- Thomas J. Eschmann, CRP, Recycling Coordinator
Morris Township
PO Box 7603
Convent Station, NJ 07961
Tel: 973-326-7398 Fax: (973) 326-9580
Solid Waste Services In Morris Township
Curbside Garbage Collection
- Program Description: Curbside Automated Trash Cart Collection The town provides for residential garbage collection. The municipality pays for the tipping fees directly. Carts shall be placed at the curb beginning at dusk of the preceding scheduled collection day. Carts shall be removed from the curb by 6:00 p.m. of the evening of collection day.
- Schedule: Trash is collected once a week Monday through Thursday, except weeks which contain holidays, refer to the municipal calendar schedule for collection days. All collection services may be suspended due to inclement weather. Carts must be at the curb by 5:30 AM of your collection day.
Service Provider: Morris Township, P.O. Box 7603,
Convent Station, NJ 07961
Tel: 973-326-7398 Fax: 973-326-9580
Material Accepted

Type 10 Municipal Solid Waste
(Disposal) Automated Trash Collection Carts for weekly collection of Monday to Thursday. Large Item Collection available once a month except for November, please call the DPW at 973-326-7398 to schedule your collection or fill out the Online Request Form. NO construction materials accepted.
Curbside Recycling Collection
- Program Description: Curbside Automated Recycling Collection Single Stream residential recycling collection for all residents. Residents should place all materials (Comingled bottles and cans, plastics (#s 1, 2, & 5 only), cardboard, magazines, newspapers, & office paper in blue cart or in their own container loosely for collection. Do Not Tie or Bundle.
- Schedule: Recycling is collected once a week Monday through Thursday, except weeks which contain holidays, refer to the municipal calendar schedule for collection days. All collection services may be suspended due to inclement weather. Carts or containers must be at the curb by 6:00 AM of your collection day (5:30 AM from Memorial Day to Labor Day).
Service Provider: Morris Township, P.O. Box 7603,
Convent Station, NJ 07961
Tel: 973-326-7398 Fax: 973-326-9580
Material Accepted

Aluminum Containers
(Recycling - Single Stream - Generic) Automated Recycling Collection - Single Stream, rinse and place loosely in the Blue cart provided. Non-Automated Recycling Collection same as above except place in your container, a standard 32-gallon type garbage can with lid and handles. Fifty (50) pound limit per container. No plastic or paper bags used as a container.
Brown Paper Bags
(Recycling - Single Stream - Generic) Automated Recycling Collection - Single Stream place loosely in Blue cart provided. Non-Automated Recycling Collection - place in your container, a standard 32-gallon type garbage can with lid and handles). Fifty (50) pound limit per container. No plastic or paper bags used as a container.
(Recycling - Single Stream - Generic) Automated Recycling Collection - Single Stream place loosely in Blue cart provided. Non-Automated Recycling Collection - place in your container, a standard 32-gallon type garbage can with lid and handles, Fifty (50) pound limit per container. No plastic or paper bags used as a container. Includes cereal boxes, shoe boxes and the like.
Corrugated Cardboard
(Recycling - Single Stream - Generic) Automated Recycling Collection - Single Stream place loosely in Blue cart provided. Non-Automated Recycling Collection - place in your container, a standard 32-gallon type garbage can with lid and handles, Fifty (50) pound limit per container. No plastic or paper bags used as a container.
Glass Containers
(Recycling - Single Stream - Generic) Automated Recycling Collection - Single Stream, rinse and place loosely in the Blue cart provided. Non-Automated Recycling Collection same as above except place in your container, a standard 32-gallon type garbage can with lid and handles. Fifty (50) pound limit per container. No plastic or paper bags used as a container.
Mixed Office Paper
(Recycling - Single Stream - Generic) Automated Recycling Collection - Single Stream place loosely in Blue cart provided. Non-Automated Recycling Collection - place in your container, a standard 32-gallon type garbage can with lid and handles, Fifty (50) pound limit per container. No plastic or paper bags used as a container. NO hard cover or telephone books.
(Recycling - Single Stream - Generic) Automated Recycling Collection - Single Stream place loosely in Blue cart provided. Non-Automated Recycling Collection - place in your container, a standard 32-gallon type garbage can with lid and handles, Fifty (50) pound limit per container. No plastic or paper bags used as a container.
Other Paper/Mag./JunkMail
(Recycling - Single Stream - Generic) Automated Recycling Collection - Single Stream place loosely in Blue cart provided. Non-Automated Recycling Collection - place in your container, a standard 32-gallon type garbage can with lid and handles, Fifty (50) pound limit per container. No plastic or paper bags used as a container. NO hard cover or telephone books.
Plastic #1 (PETE) Bottles
(Recycling - Single Stream - Generic) Automated Recycling Collection - Single Stream, rinse and place loosely in the Blue cart provided. Non-Automated Recycling Collection same as above except place in your container, a standard 32-gallon type garbage can with lid and handles. Fifty (50) pound limit per container. No plastic or paper bags used as a container.
Plastic #2 (HDPE) Bottles
(Recycling - Single Stream - Generic) Automated Recycling Collection - Single Stream, rinse and place loosely in the Blue cart provided. Non-Automated Recycling Collection same as above except place in your container, a standard 32-gallon type garbage can with lid and handles. Fifty (50) pound limit per container. No plastic or paper bags used as a container.
Plastic #5 (PP) Food/Bev. Containers
(Recycling - Single Stream - Generic) Automated Recycling Collection - Single Stream, rinse and place loosely in the Blue cart provided. Non-Automated Recycling Collection same as above except place in your container, a standard 32-gallon type garbage can with lid and handles. Fifty (50) pound limit per container. No plastic or paper bags used as a container.
Polyboard/Drink Boxes
(Recycling - Single Stream - Generic) Automated Recycling Collection - Single Stream, rinse and place loosely in the Blue cart provided. Non-Automated Recycling Collection same as above except place in your container, a standard 32-gallon type garbage can with lid and handles. Fifty (50) pound limit per container. No plastic or paper bags used as a container.
Steel (Tin) Containers
(Recycling - Single Stream - Generic) Automated Recycling Collection - Single Stream, rinse and place loosely in the Blue cart provided. Non-Automated Recycling Collection same as above except place in your container, a standard 32-gallon type garbage can with lid and handles. Fifty (50) pound limit per container. No plastic or paper bags used as a container.
Curbside Yard Waste Collection
- Program Description: Curbside collection of vegetative waste. Material must be placed in containers (32 gallon recommended) or brush may be tied up in bundles not to exceed 4 foot in length. Containers or bundles must not exceed 50 lbs.
- Schedule: This collection is available once a month from April to September. Please refer to the municipal calendar for the collection dates in your ZONE.
Service Provider: Morris Township, P.O. Box 7603,
Convent Station, NJ 07961
Tel: 973-326-7398 Fax: 973-326-9580
Material Accepted

Brush/Tree Parts
(Recycling) Light Brush only, 4 inches in diameter at cut end, tied in small bundles or containerized, no longer than 4 feet, no more than 50 lbs. Picked up once a month from April to September. Refer to the municipal calendar for the collection day in your ZONE.
Christmas Trees
(Recycling) Picked up during the month of January. Remove all decorations, tinsel do not place tree in bags or stands for collection.
Grass Clippings
(Recycling) Containerized and accepted commingled with light brush only, no more than 50 lbs. Picked up once a month from April to September. Refer to the municipal calendar for the collection day in your ZONE.
(Recycling) Containerized and accepted commingled with light brush only, no more than 50 lbs. Picked up once a month from April to September. Refer to the municipal calendar for the collection day in your ZONE. Picked up between October and December, leaves should be placed at the curb, not is the street, and must be kept 10 feet from all storm drains.
Curbside Bulky Waste Collection
- Program Description: Large Item Collection & Large Metal & Appliance Collection - Curbside bulky waste collection. NO CONSTRUCTION MATERIALS! Call the DPW at 973-326-7398 to schedule your collection or fill out website.
- Large Item Collection and Large Metal & Appliance collection is provided monthly except for November.
- Large Metal & Appliance collection is provided monthly except for November and December.
Service Provider: Morris Township, P.O. Box 7603,
Convent Station, NJ 07961
Tel: 973-326-7398 Fax: 973-326-9580
Material Accepted

Metal Appliances
Type 13 Bulky Solid Waste
Municipal Recycling Depot(s) In Morris Township

Jane Way
(Located off of West Hanover Ave.)
Morris Township, NJ 07960
Tel: (973) 326-7398 Fax: (973) 326-9580
- Hours: Mon. - Fri., 7:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. Sat., 6:00 a.m. to 1:45 p.m. Closed on Holidays, for a schedule click here.
- Limitations: The facility is open to Morris Township residents and small businesses only.
- Facility Type: Municipal Recycling Depot
Other Solid Waste Facilities In Morris Township

(Class "C" Recycling Facility (Vegetative))
St. Elizabeth College
Convent Road
Convent Station,
Tel: 201-539-1600
(Exempted Solid Waste Facility)
57 East Hanover Avenue
Morris Plains,
Tel: 201-841-3910
Fax: 973-394-9880
Click below to view documents regarding Morris Township.
Please contact Morris Township to verify any issues for which you are
- Municipal Recycling Ordinance (URL Internnet Link) - Online source of document