Transfer Station Info (Tip Fee $115.00/ton)
- Mt. Olive Mon-Fri 7:30am-3pm; Sat 7:30am-11am
- Parsippany Mon-Fri 7am-3pm; Sat 7:30am-11am
- Closed Sundays and Major Holidays
- No Rental Trucks
- Payment by Account, Check, Credit Card. No Cash

Morris County
Municipal Utilties Authority
Transfer Station Info (Tip Fee $115.00/ton)
- Mt. Olive Mon-Fri 7:30am-3pm; Sat 7:30am-11am
- Parsippany Mon-Fri 7am-3pm; Sat 7:30am-11am
- Closed Sundays and Major Holidays
- No Rental Trucks
- Payment by Account, Check, Credit Card. No Cash
Montville Township Solid Waste Information
195 Changebridge Rd.
Montville, NJ 07045-9498
Tel: (973) 331-3300 Fax: (973) 402-0787
Contacts From Montville Township
- Lori Dent, Clean Communities Coordinator
Montville Township
195 Changebridge Road
Montville, NJ 07045
Tel: (973) 335-3344 Fax: (973) 402-0787
- June Hercek, Recycling Coordinator
Montville Township
195 Changebridge Rd.
Montville, NJ 07045-9498
Tel: (973) 331-3341 Fax: (973) 402-0787
Solid Waste Services In Montville Township
Curbside Garbage Collection
Program Description: The Township of Montville has a contract for the curbside collection of garbage. Collections under this contract is for all single-family and condominium homes in Montville. The cost of curbside collection is included in ones property taxes.
All materials should be placed adjacent to the curb (at the edge of the road between the sidewalk and curb) but not within the roadway and be in containers not exceeding 35 gallons in volume or 50 pounds in weight.
Schedule: All collections can be made anytime between 6 AM and sunset on the designated days. Residents may place materials at the curb for collection on the preceding evening.
The Township is divided into two (2) collection sections. Garbage collections for Section one (1) shall be on Monday and Thursday and Section two (2) shall be on Tuesday and Friday.
Section 1 - The northern area of the Township. Parts of town, which are north of River Road west of Changebridge Road, and north of Route 202. One exception is the Changebridge at Montville Community, which is included in Section one (1).
Section 2 - The remaining sections of the Township not included in section one (1).
Collections will not be made on the following holidays: New Years Day, Memorial Day (as celebrated), Independence Day, Labor Day,Thanksgiving Day, and Christmas Day. If one of these holidays falls on a collection day, please store your material until your next scheduled collection day. In case of Inclement weather, if the contractor is unable to collect the garbage or recycling that day, that collection will be skipped unless otherwise indicated (check the Township's homepage for additional information if this situation arises)
Service Provider: Suburban Disposal, 54 Montesano Road,
Fairfield, NJ 07004
Tel: 973-675-5451 Email:
Material Accepted

Type 10 Municipal Solid Waste
(Disposal) Residents may place up to three 35-gallon containers of household garbage at the curb on each of their scheduled days for collection (no container should exceed 50 lbs). Condominium dumpster pick-ups follow the same schedule. Collection of bulk items will be on the second scheduled garbage collection day of the week.
Curbside Recycling Collection
Program Description: The Township of Montville has a contract for the curbside collection of recyclables. Collections under this contract is for all single-family and condominium homes in Montville. The cost of curbside collection is included in ones property taxes.
All materials should be placed adjacent to the curb (at the edge of the road between the sidewalk and curb) but not within the roadway and be in containers not exceeding 35 gallons in volume or 50 pounds in weight.
Do not recycle gable top containers such as milk, orange juice etc. containers which are made of a waxy-like cardboard should NOT be included with recyclables. Gable top containers are garbage.
Schedule: Dual Stream Recycling will be collected every Wednesday.
All collections can be made anytime between 6 AM and sunset on the designated days. Residents may place materials at the curb for collection on the preceding evening.
The Township is divided into two (2) collection sections.
Section 1 - The northern area of the Township. Parts of town, which are north of River Road west of Changebridge Road, and north of Route 202. One exception is the Changebridge at Montville Community, which is included in Section one (1).
Section 2 - The remaining sections of the Township not included in section one (1).
Collections will not be made on the following holidays: New Years Day, Memorial Day (as celebrated), Independence Day, Labor Day,Thanksgiving Day, and Christmas Day. If one of these holidays falls on a collection day, please store your material until your next scheduled collection day. In case of Inclement weather, if the contractor is unable to collect the garbage or recycling that day, that collection will be skipped unless otherwise indicated (check the Township's homepage for additional information if this situation arises)
Service Provider: Suburban Disposal, 54 Montesano Road,
Fairfield, NJ 07004
Tel: 973-675-5451 Email:
Material Accepted

Aluminum Containers
(Recycling - Commingled Bottles and Cans) Cans that are made from aluminum and were manufactured to hold a serving of beverage.
Aluminum Pie Plates, Trays and Foil
(Recycling - Commingled Bottles and Cans) Plates, or trays that are made from aluminum and were manufactured to hold a serving of beverage, pie, cake etc., aluminum foil is also included.
Glass Containers
(Recycling - Commingled Bottles and Cans) Bottles and jars made from glass including clear, brown and green glass. A bottle is defined as a receptacle having a narrow neck and a mouth that can be corked or capped. Ajar is defined as a wide mouthed container that can be capped. Caps and lids not included. Specifically omitted from this definition are drinking glasses, windows, mirrors, light bulbs, and anything made of Pyrex or ceramic.
Plastic #1 (PETE) Bottles
(Recycling - Commingled Bottles and Cans) Caps and lids not included. Empty bottles which contained hazardous materials, such as motor oil, antifreeze, etc. should not be recycled.
Plastic #1 (PETE) Food/Bev. Containers
(Recycling - Commingled Bottles and Cans) Caps and lids not included. Empty bottles which contained hazardous materials, such as motor oil, antifreeze, etc. should not be recycled.
Plastic #2 (HDPE) Bottles
(Recycling - Commingled Bottles and Cans) Caps and lids not included. Empty bottles which contained hazardous materials, such as motor oil, antifreeze, etc. should not be recycled.
Plastic #2 (HDPE) Food/Bev. Containers
(Recycling - Commingled Bottles and Cans) Caps and lids not included. Empty bottles which contained hazardous materials, such as motor oil, antifreeze, etc. should not be recycled.
Plastic #5 (PP) Food/Bev. Containers
(Recycling - Commingled Bottles and Cans) Caps and lids not included. Empty bottles which contained hazardous materials, such as motor oil, antifreeze, etc. should not be recycled.
Steel (Tin) Containers
(Recycling - Commingled Bottles and Cans) An air-tight container for the distribution or storage of goods, composed of thin, usually ferrous,metal. Examples are soup cans and tuna-fish cans.
Corrugated Cardboard
(Recycling - Commingled Paper) Shipping containers (boxes) made with kraft paper linerboard and corrugated medium. Corrugated Cardboard must be flattened and placed in a rigid container with other single stream materials and and placed at the curb but not in the roadway.
Mixed Office Paper
(Recycling - Commingled Paper) Various categories of recyclable paper including, but not limited to white and colored paper used in printers, photocopiers and fax machines, white and colored ledger paper, carbonless copy paper, construction paper, undeliverable mail, mailed promotional letters/advertisements/circulars (Junk Mail), magazines, catalogues, envelopes, soft cover books, telephone books.
(Recycling - Commingled Paper) A publication containing news, information and advertising, usually printed on low-cost paper called newsprint. Newspaper may include glossy inserts (circulars) which come with the paper. Newspaper must be placed in a rigid container with other single stream materials and placed at the curb but not in the roadway.
Other Paper/Mag./JunkMail
(Recycling - Commingled Paper) Various categories of recyclable paper including, but not limited to white and colored paper used in printers, photocopiers and fax machines, white and colored ledger paper, carbonless copy paper, construction paper, undeliverable mail, mailed promotional letters/advertisements/circulars (Junk Mail), magazines, catalogues, envelopes, soft cover books, telephone books.
Telephone Books
(Recycling - Commingled Paper) Commingle with other recyclables.
Curbside Yard Waste Collection
Program Description: The Township of Montville has a contract for the curbside collection of vegetative waste.
Collections under this contract is limited to all single-family residential homes in Montville Township. The cost of curbside collection is included in one's property taxes.
Logs, stumps,branches and other wood tree parts. Dimensional lumber are omitted from inclusion in this yard waste collection.
Schedule: Vegetative waste collection take place April through December. Collection of vegetative waste for Sections one (1) and two (2) shall be on the first garbage pickup day of the week (Section 1 - Monday; Section 2 - Tuesday)..
The Township is divided into two (2) collection sections.
Section 1 - The northern area of the Township. Parts of town, which are north of River Road west of Changebridge Road, and north of Route 202. One exception is the Changebridge at Montville Community, which is included in Section one (1).
Section 2 - The remaining sections of the Township not included in section one (1).
Collections will not be made on the following holidays: New Years Day, Memorial Day (as celebrated), Independence Day, Labor Day,Thanksgiving Day, and Christmas Day. If one of these holidays falls on a collection day, please store your material until your next scheduled collection day. In case of Inclement weather, if the contractor is unable to collect the garbage or recycling that day, that collection will be skipped unless otherwise indicated (check the Township's homepage for additional information if this situation arises)
Service Provider: Suburban Disposal, 54 Montesano Road,
Fairfield, NJ 07004
Tel: 973-675-5451 Email:
Material Accepted

Brush/Tree Parts
(Recycling) Brush - Branches, woody plants and other similar vegetative material. Brush can be bundled for collection with the maximum bundle size being two (2) feet in diameter, four (4) feet in length and weighing no more than fifty (50) pounds. Brush must be prepared so that each bundle can be handled by one person and branches must not exceed four (4) inches in diameter.
Christmas Trees
(Recycling) Christmas trees will typically be picked up town-wide on the first and second Mondays and Tuesdays in January. All ornaments, decorations, and tinsel must be removed from the tree and it should be placed at the curb but not in the roadway. DO NOT place trees in bags of any kind.
Grass Clippings
(Recycling) Grass Clippings - Vegetative material generated when grass (lawns) are cut. Grass Clippings must be either placed in rigid, garbage type, containers or biodegradable bags (paper only) at the curb but not in the roadway. DO NOT PILE GRASS CLIPPINGS ALONG THE SIDE OF THE ROAD
(Recycling) Vegetative material, typically generated in the autumn when they fall from trees and then are raked from residents' and/or commercial lawns. Leaves must be either placed in rigid, garbage type, containers or biodegradable bags (paper only) at the curb but not in the roadway. DO NOT PILE LOOSE LEAVES ALONG THE SIDE OF THE ROAD.
Curbside Bulky Waste Collection
Program Description: The Township of Montville has a contract for the curbside collection of bulky items. Collection will be on the second scheduled garbage collection day of the week.
Collections under this contract is for all single-family and condominium homes in Montville. The cost of curbside collection is included in ones property taxes.
All materials should be placed adjacent to the curb (at the edge of the road between the sidewalk and curb) but not within the roadway and be in containers not exceeding 35 gallons in volume or 50 pounds in weight.
Schedule: All collections can be made anytime between 6 AM and sunset on the designated days. Residents may place materials at the curb for collection on the preceding evening.
Garbage collections for Section one (1) shall be on Monday and Thursday and Section two (2) shall be on Tuesday and Friday and bulk waste collection will be on the second scheduled garbage collection day of the week.
The Township is divided into two (2) collection sections.
Section 1 - The northern area of the Township. Parts of town, which are north of River Road west of Changebridge Road, and north of Route 202. One exception is the Changebridge at Montville Community, which is included in Section one (1).
Section 2 - The remaining sections of the Township not included in section one (1).
Collections will not be made on the following holidays: New Years Day, Memorial Day (as celebrated), Independence Day, Labor Day,Thanksgiving Day, and Christmas Day. If one of these holidays falls on a collection day, please store your material until your next scheduled collection day. In case of Inclement weather, if the contractor is unable to collect the garbage or recycling that day, that collection will be skipped unless otherwise indicated (check the Township's homepage for additional information if this situation arises)
Service Provider: Suburban Disposal, 54 Montesano Road,
Fairfield, NJ 07004
Tel: 973-675-5451 Email:
Material Accepted

Metal Appliances
(Recycling) White Goods/Metal Appliances – Appliances composed predominantly of metal. Examples may include stoves, washing machines, dryers, refrigerators, air conditioners, lawn mowers and dehumidifiers as long as they are primarily made of metal. To arrange for pickup of these materials on a Wednesday, please call Suburban Disposal Inc. 973-227-7020 . Following an arranged pickup, these items can be placed at curb, with all doors removed, not in the roadway.
Type 13 Bulky Solid Waste
Other Solid Waste Facilities In Montville Township
(Exempted Solid Waste Facility)
3 Como Ct
Tel: (973)-263-0440
(Class "D" Recycling Facility (Special))
79 Route 46
Tel: 973-575-0823
Click below to view documents regarding Montville Township.
Please contact Montville Township to verify any issues for which you are
- Municipal Recycling Ordinance (URL Internnet Link) - Online source of document